Monday, June 7, 2010

Sketch Week, Part 1 (Finally!)

I'm so sorry about the delay in posting. Blogger has been down since last night. I'm at work at the store right now and don't have the info for posting the giveaway winner from Friday so I'll add that to this post when I get home this evening.

Sketch Week this month is back to it's normal self after the extreme version last month but I promise you won't be disappointed!

After giving it some thought and each month wanting so much to do more for the readers of Sketch Week (your comments each month are so thoughtful and sweet!) I've decided to have a different sponsor each month. I've already got the next three months of sponsors on board by three of my favorite manufacturers and ones that I know you'll be excited about too.

So, introducing Sketch Week's first sponsor Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker! Nikki has put together a great prize package to giveaway to my blog readers this week (picture to be posted this evening!). You can check out her blog, website, and don't miss the awesome gallery of her design team's beautiful creations. And I've got a layout I'll be posting later this week using her "Dan the Record Man" line that I absolutely love!

Let the Sketch Week fun begin!

The sketch that I'll be using from Sketches for Scrapbooking, Volume 2 as a starting point for all five layouts this week.

Layout #1 - "Time Changes Everything"

Supply List - Cardstock: Bazzill; Patterned paper: Crate Paper; Alphabets: BasicGrey (changes) and Doodlebug (everything); Rubon: Crate Paper (time); Chipboard elements: Crate Paper; Jewels: KaiserCraft

The other night I showed Drew all of my layouts for Sketch Week and he pointed to this layout and said, "This one is my favorite!" I asked him why and he simply said, "Because it's about you Mommy." It was a great reminder that I really do need to create more pages about myself. It was also a great reminder to get in there and finish my album from Scrapbook Generation's "Remember Me" kit club. I signed up probably two years ago and have only done the title page!

Variation #1 - For a slight change and little more color on the layout, I added a green patterned paper background cut with 1/2" margins so that you could see a little of the french vanilla cardstock around the outer edges. I also added a stitched border around the edge.

Variation #2 - This isn't really a variation from the sketch but I wanted to share a simple way that I altered letter stickers to match the color of the papers. I wanted the everything to be a script letter and I wanted it to match the yellow in the patterned papers. Of course, yellow (and orange) happen to be the color that I have the least to choose from. I loved the script of the Doodlebug letter stickers but didn't have them in the right color so I simply painted over white ones.

The easiest, mess free way to do this is to paint the stickers while they are still on the sticker sheet. A lot of stickers might not take paint very well but since these are cardstock stickers they have a slight texture to them and hold the paint very well. I also added a coat of Shimmerz over the top to give them a subtle sparkle.

Variation #3 - Instead of using the three cirlces and the cardstock tab on the left as suggested on the sketch, I went with chipboard flowers and hand stitched stems.

I duplicated the stems on the flowers from the flowers on one of the coordinating patterned papers. On two of them I topped off the ends with some jewels.

Another thing to note, I actually used my handwriting instead of my usual computer journaling. After a chat I did over at the Fisk-a-teer website and we had a discussion about handwriting vs. computer journaling, I decided that I really should get over my hate towards my handwriting and use it more. I'm challenging myself to use it whenever I can and only use my computer when I need to. I encourage you to do the same. Even after a short time and a few layouts later I'm already more comfortable with my handwriting on my layouts.

This time for the giveaway I'll have two different ones. One for a copy of Sketches for Scrapbooking and then another for the awesome prize package from Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker. I'll be posting everyday, Monday - Friday. All week you'll have a chance to leave a comment and next Monday I'll post the winners. You can leave more than one comment through the week to be eligible (five days = five chances to win!) but not on the same day.

And one more thing, Scrapbook Generation is well on it's way to 2,000 fans on Facebook and we've got a new giveaway going IF we hit 2,000 fans by June 30 in celebration of our newest Sketches for Scrapbooking, Volume 6 (which is available July 1.) If we make it you could win an awesome goodie bag and a hot-off-the-press Sketches for Scrapbooking, Volume 6. Start spreading the word with your Facebook friends and if you aren't a fan yet, come on over and join us by clicking here. :)


  1. Finally!! Sketch week is my favorite! Been waiting all day!

    Love the sketch...Maybe I'll do some scrapping after work!

  2. Laura J3:16 PM

    Great layout...I just love that Drew picked it because "it's about you Mommy" Awwww, what a reminder that I should also scrapbook myself more than I do.

    Oh, by the way, you have nice handwriting...I think most of us dislike our own handwriting, but one day it will be a treasure to our children. I smile whenever I see my mom's handwriting and it's nice to think about my kids smiling over mine someday.

  3. Whoo hoo! I love sketch week!

    Another fabulous layout!!!

  4. Michele Mc3:51 PM

    I actually stayed later at work once I saw that the sketch week post was finally here! That tells you how excited I am to see this stuff! :)

    Beautiful layout! LOVE the color combination most of all. And you might finally inspire me to try some handstitching with those adorable flowers.

    And your son's comment really hit home. While viewing our beach pictures from last year's vacation on our digital frame last week, my 3 year old daughter asked "were you with us at the beach, Mommy?". My husband howled when I told him but hopefully he got the hint too!

  5. Such a great sketch, and so fantastic to be teaming up with companies like Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker!

  6. I love the stitching with those embellies...I'll have to try that!

  7. I just love sketches week!!!
    Thanks for the reminder to get me in my scrapbooks! Beautiful layout, as always.
    Thanks again, Traci

  8. What a great layout! I, also, don't do enough LOs of myself. I have been trying to get pictures of myself more often into my kids' books. I want them to have pictures of me!!!

  9. Tiffany4:29 PM

    Love this sketch! I am a huge Nikki fan! Love the giveaways!!

  10. Loving the CP! and that handstitching...yum!

  11. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Yeah for sketch week! I'm glad to see it even if it's a little late :)

  12. I'm so glad it's sketch week again! Definitely the best week of the month. I love to use the Bic Mark Its to change my white letter stickers to the color I need on my LOs, but I may have to try paint sometime!

  13. Janelle H.4:49 PM

    I love the flower accents with the hand-stitched stems and bling leaves - that's something I'll definitely have to try!

  14. Love the sketch this week. I agree about the handwriting, especially on a page about yourself. Your handwriting tells alot about your personality.

  15. Great Layout Allison and thanks for the Reminder that A) we should all scrap ourselves...we may not love it but the kids will! and B) it's important that they see our own handwriting as well!
    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Yeah!! I was going through sketch week withdrawals... I love the hand stitching around the blue background paper. I also love the idea of using paint to make your own stickers the color you need them. What kind of paint works best for this?

    Amy S (Texas)

  17. Love this sketch! I can definitely see myself using it in the future! And I think your handwriting is pretty!

  18. Love this layout! I'm guilty of not scrapping myself very often either. I think part of it is just the lack of photos of me. :) I really like your handwriting!

  19. hbisch2001 at yahoo dot com5:14 PM

    Great layout, thanks!!

  20. Mary B.5:36 PM

    Alison, I can't thank you enough for your blog and sketch week. You continually inspire me to go out of my comfort zone and try new things......You're the best.

  21. Jody B.5:55 PM

    Love the sketch again this month. Thank you so much. I also really like the Crate Paper you used in your layout.

  22. Your handwriting is very nice and of course I love the sketch and layout!

  23. You truly go above and beyond, giving away a sketchbook was already generous and now to add sponsor prizes too, wow!!

    I don't like my handwriting either but I always journal in my own handwriting. For me, I just don't have the time to computer journal plus I like the idea of my kids looking back years down the road and thinking, hey, that's mom writing. Anyway, love the layout, your stitching is just superb. I need to do that more. I have only stitched about two times on a layout, it scares me!

  24. Oh, that is a great lo :) I am going to use that one tonight for my fall leaves pictures :) I also LOVE the details!!

    As a side note, I have ordered 2 of your sketchbooks to give as teacher gifts!! I know that the teacher is going to be thrilled!!!!

  25. Robin W.6:39 PM

    I'm so glad it's sketch week again!! I love your inspiration. The stitched flower stems are the perfect touch. I want to stitch more on my layouts, but I am always worried that I will ruin them. I just need to be brave and go for it.

  26. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I've never liked my handwriting either but I'm trying to use it more too.

    love sketch week!

    Kathy R

  27. I'm so excited to see your post, and yes it was worth the wait. This layout is so gorgous and you look so pretty in them. ok first thanks Nikki for making this an awesome sketch week for us, so sweet of you. I love the flowers you made and all the details you added are so you and so perfect. I love the title in 3 different styles, what is the other two words from love love them. How cool are you to paint them so that they match. I always give up and change the title or wait till I buy letters again. They look so pretty. I'm so glad you did another layout with you in it, so nice to change it up a little. Thanks for your chance of a giveawy this week too, so sweet. I actually have this sketch book for this week but no time to scrap. Can't wait to see tomorrow hope it works for you. I almost forgot you have beautiful handwritting you should do it more often.

  28. I just love your sketches!!! I really have to try and use my handwritting more often, everytime I try, I end up riping it up and going to my computer...Thanks

  29. Marcia S7:28 PM

    Such a totally different sketch. It worked well with your pics. Loved Drew's comment - you should sneak that into your layout somewhere.

  30. I'm so excited that it's sketch week!

    What a great reminder that we need to do more pages about ourselves. I also need to make sure I get in front of the camera and have someone else take the photos.

  31. This is great! I like it alot! Love the stitching!!

  32. Anxiously awaited sketch week! I love the idea of having a monthly sponsor and being introduced to their sites and/or blogs. Also love the jewels on the flowers. You make this look so simple! I just get so overwhelmed and sometimes just don't even know where to start. Love your LO.

  33. Love the layout, such a good idea to do one about yourself, something I haven't done but would be a good idea. I have all these questions about my parents and grandparents and a layout like this would be so good to have.

  34. Isn't hand-stitching the best? It can make a simple page look glamorous in less than 10 minutes.

  35. Love the cleanliness of the layout and the colors! Thanks for sharing another great sketch!

  36. Amy from KC8:34 PM

    First, Woot! Sketch Week rocks!!! Second, I'm so HAPPY that you got Blogger to work, hopefully you didn't get too much of a headache in the process. :)
    I love the layout, and love the painted letter stickers. I am a big fan of Doodlebug letters. They go so well with Thickers. I am definitely going to give painting and shimmerz a try on those soon.

    Ali, I hope tomorrow's post goes up smoother. I may wait up 'til midnight to see. ;)

  37. I love this sketch and the colors and embellishments on your layout are so fresh and fun:-) I can't wait to try my own version of it!

  38. Love sketch week! I can't want to try this layout on my daughter's baby album i so need to finish it up she already 17 months and I'm still doing the birthing stage. lol Looking forward to more.

  39. mlvrdh8:45 PM

    I love the layout about you and I too have been trying to get myself more into my scrapbooks--the only problem is I don't have many pictures of myself and I can't seem to get my family to take any of me. Help!?

  40. I liked the comment from Drew. I have never done a page about me, and I really need to start. Can't wait to see what the rest of the week holds!

  41. Anonymous9:01 PM

    WooHoo, it's sketch week time! You are inspiring me to try stitching on my layouts. You make such cute embellies with stitching.

    Stacie in OK

  42. Very nice layout, as always. Love the stitched stems, bling and the way you did the title. I use my handwriting on all my layouts so far (and sometimes my Dymo label maker - but not often). Our handwriting is a part of our personality and I think it's important to include them on scrapbook layouts. Sort of like a handwritten recipe given to us by a loved one who's no longer living. It just makes it that much more special.

  43. kroller9:22 PM

    yeah, it's here!
    I love the stems and jewels! I need to add more little touches like this! I love the anticipation
    sketches add to the week. Another great layout!

  44. carissaH9:38 PM

    I love that you did a layout about you. I have never done that....maybe its time I did? who knows.

  45. Love this LO. And all the little details you've provided. Glad to see you putting you're handwriting into it. I seldom use a computer. After treasuring my grandmothers recipes cards, I try to handwrite all pages, since she has passed.

  46. I love this layout! Thank you for reminding me to use my handwriting. I find myself using my computer fonts more and need to remember to just journal with my handwriting.

  47. I am soooo in love with this sketch! Thanks for the inspiration!

  48. Anonymous10:16 PM

    This is a sketch I had not tried. It is very nice and the photos of you are wonderful. This is the week I check my computer each morning at 6 am to see what your next sketch will be. Love it!!!

    Linda from KS

  49. Great sketch, from a Sketches book I do not yet have, will purchase with vol. 6! Love the stitching on your page! I don't write on my pages either. I need to though!

  50. Cindy Leggett10:48 PM

    So excited that it is sketch week. Love everything you do. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  51. My favorite week of the month - sketch week. I love that you included yourself on a page - I know I need to do this and this is great inspiration.

    Again I love the little details you add - handstitching and a little bling. Great tip on coloring the chipboard alphas stickers as well - I think I will be adding some white ones to my stash.

  52. I love the idea of painting on stickers, which I had never thought of.

    In making pages of ourselves and our interests, we are helping our children learn to think about others which will help them as they grow up.

  53. Great layout! I always use my own handwriting on my layouts but I have a hard time making pages about myself. Thanks for the inspiration!

  54. I love the stitching detail you've added to this layout and the jewwels.

  55. Great layout! Love the way you use different fonts for your titles. Everytime I try to do that it looks like a mess.

  56. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Thanks for the reminder to include myself!
    Barb Martin

  57. Heather7:56 AM

    That is a great sketch and you are right, as scrapbookers we often overlook ourselves. I find I am almost always the one behind the camera. I must make a conscious effort to hand off the camera once in a while.

  58. I love sketch week! Your post hit home though, as I went through all of the recent layouts that I had completed, only one of them was about me. I need to be in front of the camera more!

  59. Love the colors you used on this page!

  60. I love the colors and it always amazes me that you hand stitch so much on your layouts, I' in awe!

  61. Great LO. Love your handstitched stems. So cute.

  62. I absolutely love the handstitched stems. I am also trying to make layouts of myself and it's not easy for me!

  63. Awesome sketch and great layout!

  64. Love that you just painted the letters to get them the right color. Good tip to paint them FIRST, while they are still on the sheet.

    Looking forward to another great week and a sneak peek of VOL. 6

  65. I'm right there with you in not doing enough layouts about myself. I think I've done ...two. Pretty pathetic, I know. I really like your layout and what your kiddo said about it---they're so honest! Great stitch work on the flower stems and love the added jewels!

  66. Amy S, I used Making Memories acrylic paint. I also like the Paint Dabbers from Ranger and KaiserCraft's paint. I always recommend these paints over acrylic paints you can find in craft stores. These paints are all quick drying and don't wrinkle papers as much as the regular acrylic paints. :)

    Kim M, don't let it scare you! Once you've done a dozen or so times you'll find that you are more comfortable with it.

    Robbin, what a fun gift for teachers and I'm super happy to hear that they'll love them! :)

    Marcia S, I love that idea! Maybe I could make a little hidden piece that pulls out or write in on the back. Thanks for the idea! :)

    jsturgeon, I completely agree!

    mlvrdh, force them! My husband actually felt bad when I showed him the pictures of a mini-vacation we took last summer and I wasn't in one single picture. I explained to him that it looked like I wasn't even there! And when all else fails guilt them into like I have to do sometimes! :)

    It sounds like we all agree that we should do more pages about ourselves AND use our handwriting more. :)

    Thank you so much!

  67. Sonya5:42 AM

    Great page about YOU!

  68. i love this layout and how you used the stitching.

  69. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Loved the idea of painting your stickers. Thanks for the tip!

  70. I {heart} sketch week! You have such great, practical ideas.

  71. Hooray for sketches week. What a great reminder to include ourselves on our pages.

