Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sketch Week, Part 3

Here we go with day #3!

The sketch, from Sketches for Scrapbooking, Volume 2, that I am using as my starting point on all five layouts this week.

Layout #3 - "The Backup Band"

Supply List - Cardstock: Bazzill; Patterned paper: Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker; Chipboard music notes: Bazzill; Star cut outs: Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker; Edge punch: EK Success; Alphabets: My Little Shoebox (the), Prima (backup), and American Crafts (band); Jewels: KaiserCraft; Buttons: Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker; Paint: Ranger

Variation #1 - Whenever I want to use a sketch over and over, one of my go to variations is changing the photo sizes. Whether it's breaking a larger suggested photo into several smaller ones or using a larger photo in place of a small group of photo, this is a great way to change the look.

While the page is about the kids singing backup for us while the adults were playing Guitar Hero, I wanted to have at least one picture of an adult playing to help support the story. I had one photo that perfectly framed Mike playing the guitar (if that's what you can call it!) and the kids singing. I kept the 6" width of the photo but cut the height to 3 1/2" to match the other photos along that strip of patterned paper.

Variation #2 - I thought it might be a fun and different look to use the same patterned paper on all three of the background strips. Each of our sketches has a key that suggests papers to use but just like the sketch itself, it's just a suggestion, not a have to. I love the record pattern from the Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker paper and thought I could have a little fun with some stitching on it.

Now this might be a scary suggestion for those of you who are just starting out with hand stitching but I always recommend saving it for the very last. Hand stitching can be a little time consuming and by adding it last you are saving a lot of time because there is no need to stitch behind elements on the page if you aren't going to see it anyway. Could you imagine how much stitching that would have been if I would have done it before I added the pictures!

Variation #3 - I just got a new edge punch a couple of weeks ago that I have already used on three layouts! The green circle strip made with that punch is across the top and bottom pieces of patterned paper. The green color is dark enough that if I would have just used it alone it would have gotten lost in the dark colors of the record paper. To help it stand out I backed it with a 1/2" strip of a grey patterned paper. The sketch calls for a 3/4" strip but you really can do pretty much whatever size you want or even multiple smaller strips instead and as long as it's in the same area it going to work.

Variation #4 - For my embellishments on this layout I used chipboard music notes covered in a metallic silver paint. I added the star cut outs from Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker on top of them and then punched a few smaller stars out of coordinating papers.

On the orange star I added orange Memory Thread for a little finishing touch. I also added a few jewels to the music notes.

Variation #5 - I was a little scared to do journaling strips with my own handwriting but I have to admit it was a breeze. I like my journaling strips to be on the skinnier side and I was afraid that my handwriting would require me to cut them a little thicker. To my surprise they aren't any bigger than ones I've done with computer printed journaling strips.

Changing up the journaling block is an super easy way to alter the look of the sketch. I like to use journaling strips for those times when I need to wrap around something. It might be a person in a picture or in this case the music notes and stars.

Variation #6 - I added three buttons below the "band" in my title. I was afraid that with the black on black of the letters and the record paper that I was going to lose part of the title. I used the buttons to help draw attention to the black letters of the title and to help them stand out a little more.

Day #3 means it's your third chance at winning a copy of Sketches for Scrapbooking and the awesome Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker giveaway.

Well today is a posting success! There is a huge sigh of relief coming from me right now!


  1. Thanks for the great ideas on getting more milage out of your sketches! I also love the details you add to your pages, the stitching really helps the records pop!

  2. I'm glad Blogger is behaving for you! :) I love the stitching on the patterned paper, it really makes the records pop!

  3. As always, that stitching really is such a great effect. Great layout-love that paper.

  4. Amy from KC1:59 AM

    I like the journaling strips with your own handwriting. I think that for some reason many of us just dread the look of our own handwriting no matter what it looks like. I look at yours, Ali, and think that it is great. Others have mentioned that they do, too. You probably look at other people's writing and feel the same way. I think we are just hypercritical of our own writing, and perceive it as worse than the rest of the world does.

    With that being said, my handwriting IS truly awful, my mother and my 3rd grade teacher could confirm that! I try, and if I work very hard and concentrate I can make it legible... I try to use it anyway, for the same reasons everyone else has mentioned. ;)

  5. What a fun layout! I can't get over the stitching - such great details!

  6. Anonymous5:02 AM

    I love the stitching on the patterned paper! Would never have thought of stitching on the PP to give it more depth! LOVE IT!

    Candy Conner

  7. I'm so excited your blogger worked, I love getting up early to see your posts. I love love this Allison, I want this paper badly after seeing your layout. This would work for my girls. I like the pictures with the kids so funny. I'm really wanting to try stitching now on my layouts it adds a special touch. Thanks again Allison you ROCK!!!

  8. Sonya5:39 AM

    I love how the patterned paper supports the theme of your layout!

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I think it is the details that make your layouts so special.

    Linda from KS

  10. Once again love the stitching. Those journalling strips work really well.

  11. Denise6:34 AM

    Thank you for making me think out of the box. I love Sketch Week. Keep up the good work :).

  12. Laura J6:44 AM

    Another fun layout! This one reminded me that I really need to find some of that memory thread...I want it so bad!

  13. Tiffany G.6:52 AM

    So adorable! I love that paper line! The stitching is great around the records-such a great idea!

  14. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Love all the details that support the theme of your layouts. I get lots of ideas from your sketches.

    Kathy R

  15. I don't have a sewing machine and love the way it looks on layouts. I may have to give the hand stitching a try.

  16. I would not have thought to use the same patterned paper on the three strips in the background. I really love the look of it though! And of course the stitching is amazing, it really makes the record pattern pop!

    My favorite layout so far!

  17. This is my favorite week of each month. It makes me start thinking outside the box so much! Unfortunately, I won't get to scrapping until next week as it's the last week of school in Minnesota and my folks are coming from Springfield.

    I love the same paper for each pattern. I had never thought of that. I also love that you change up the photo sizes. I haven't tried hand stitching yet, but that's on the to do list before going back to school in September. The music notes are a must find for me. Both of my kids have millions of recital and concert pictures.

    Thanks again for sharing your creativity! I truly enjoy it and look forward to it.

  18. I love those papers you use on this layout! Mmm I will definary have to buy this if i don't win. lol

  19. Love your use of "Dan the Record Man" papers and the hand stitching around the records! Adorable!! I also love the bendy wire! TFS Allison...fabulous job!

  20. I am in love with Nikki's paper - so awesome!

  21. Love the stitching!

  22. The papers and the pictures work so well together...another great layout!

  23. we are all glad Blogger is behaving now, how dare they break down on my favorite week of the month, Sketch week:)
    I'm a die hard computer generated journaler, I think my LO looks cleaner if I type it out rather than hand write. I know, I know, bad bad bad. I do however hand write hidden journaling, that is my saving grace.

  24. Mary B.8:49 AM

    As always....you inspire me & I really like the paper!!

  25. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I'm glad posting was a bit easier thanks for hanging in there for us when it wasn't. I really like the stitching - man it makes those records pop. I like the music notes coupled with the stars - perfect fit for the page. Thanks for showing such great variations. I'm starting to look at sketches with a whole new outlook!

    Amy S (TX)

  26. Louise N8:58 AM

    So cute. Love the stitching. I am going to have to break down an try it even though it is time consuming.

  27. I love all of the variations that you get out of one sketch! Hand stitching isn't something that I have done a lot of, however, after seeing some of your layouts, I can't wait to try it. Thanks for the chance to when this awesome giveway.

    Hope to be planning a trip down to visit Scrapbook Generation soon! We are in Central Mo, only 3.5 hours away.

  28. Cool layout as well! Wish I lived closer, so I could come to the workshops...

  29. I love the border punch! Which one is? I have never hand stitched on a LO and love the tip of stitching last.

  30. Love the handstitching....I like to punch all the holes and then do the stitching while I'm watching TV....it doesn't seem to take as long that way.

  31. I hand stitch a little, but stitching around designs on pattern paper, GENIUS! I love the look, and can't wait to try it. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Traci

  32. The family that plays together stays together. What a great photo op that you wouldn't normally think to capture.

  33. Jody B.9:19 AM

    I love the stitching around the records. I have been wanting to try it, but I'm too scared to. Someday I'll just have to try it!!!

  34. Janelle H.9:23 AM

    Once again - love the stitching! I like your hint about leaving it until last - I didn't do that the first time I tried stitching and it's a lot harder to attach everything else over it! I have to find some of the Memory Thread!!

  35. Penny Peck9:24 AM

    As usual, loved the stitching! I also liked the shapes of the background rectangular paper where you used corner punch on each side. Awesome as always!

  36. Penny Peck9:24 AM

    As usual, loved the stitching! I also liked the shapes of the background rectangular paper where you used corner punch on each side. Awesome as always!

  37. KariLynn9:25 AM

    I love how you can make the same sketch look so different with every layout. Love the layout.

  38. Love the stitching that makes the records stand out more, border punched strips, and music note/star clusters. Your embellishment clusters always look so cool. I really like the look of journaling strips on a page too. Your handwritten ones turned out really nice. I'll have to give that a try with my handwriting sometime. :)

  39. Such an awesome LO! I am so loving how you rocked the Nikki papers...Wtg!

  40. Michele Mc11:04 AM

    The music note embellishments led my eye right along all of the photos to the journaling. Usually I don't pay that much attention to how I'm viewing the LO, but I know that concept will now be in my mind the next time I'm trying to decide where to place embellies. Amazing LO, as always!

  41. Heather11:08 AM

    That is a gorgeous layout, but how many people know what those round things are on your layout ? =)

  42. Swooning over the stitching around the records! Another beautiful layout and more beautiful handwriting!

  43. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Love the stitching around the records! Great job on the handwriting on your journaling strips! Another great inspiration!!!

    Stacie in OK

  44. Love the record paper.

  45. JodyJane12:46 PM

    I really like the boldness of this LO. I opened it and said WOW right away! Love the stitching and the added embellies. Way to go!

  46. I love this sketch...mainly because I LOVE my corner rounder and you rocked it!

  47. carissaH12:59 PM

    I love all the little details you add to your layouts. They add just a the little extra to make them awesome!!

  48. I have just started hand stitching on my pages and love how you include it on your layouts. Great tip on doing it last.


  49. I rarely ever use journal strips, but the more I see you use them during these weekly sketches, the more I think I should really start using them as well!

  50. Ooh, I love the funky feel of this LO! Your stitching is amazing.

  51. I've had a two-page spread lying on my scrapping table since the weekend, waiting for inspiration for placing a journaling block. Thanks for reminding me of the strips ... I think that might work. I love this layout, by the way. In fact, I like all your layouts because they have such a clean, simple, balanced look.

  52. great ideas again!!

  53. I love the stitching- it is such a wonder finishing detail and it is quick and simple to do!!!

  54. Love the border punch, and I've got to come and buy some of that memory thread!

  55. Great variations today! You really get my mind going as to how to get more use out of my sketches!

  56. Robbin4:13 PM

    You have inspired me beyond words :) I cleaned out my scrapbook room last night and reorganized myself to tackle some great pictures I have neglected!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  57. You're sketches are so inspiring...thx for sharing every month. I love all your details.

  58. Love those papers! The accents are perfect for this page too. I can't get over how different these 3 layouts have been, even though they are all based on the same sketch!

  59. I have that EK PUNCH too! Love how you 'backed' it w/gray to get the look you want. It's all these little tips that help inspire me when I am 'stuck' on a LO. Thanks!

  60. Marcia S7:48 PM

    I like all the little details you added - they make the page pop!

  61. Cindy Leggett7:57 PM

    Another rocking layout. Love the memory thread and want to give it a try.

  62. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! This is GORGEOUS!! Loveeeeeeeee how U used Nikki's products and loveeeeeeeeeeeee the stitching!! WOW! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) I showcase people's lo's that are made with Nikki's papers every month on her blog and I would loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if U would send this to me at bmwgirl@cox.net so I can showcase it on her blog!!! Thanks! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  63. Love how the stitching emphasizes the records! I'll have to try this with some other shapes on some patterned papers I have on hand! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  64. mlvrdh8:49 PM

    Wonderful ideas and I like the paper line too--how appropriate it is for this layout. Great job.

  65. I just really like the whole layout! Love the color scheme. And I have never really wanted to try stitching until now.

  66. We recently got back from vacationing in Branson.(My hubby resisted my nagging to let me stop and visit your store in Springfield. I'll just have to plan a girls weekend and come to one of your special events sometime.)

    I just finished reading part 2 of your "all about me". I really enjoyed getting to know you more. Your sketch this week is wonderful. I really love the "popcorn" layout.

    I wish you much success with your full-color idea book. I think you could easily pull it off. Just keep bugging the publishers.

    I enjoyed hearing a little back story on the whole CK thing. A few years back I sent in all my layouts for Scrapbooker of the year. I don't think it matters how good your scrapbooking is. It's more about what new direction the magazine is going in. I am often amazed (in a bad way)at some of the layouts that get published.

    I have started browsing scrapbook galleries and blogs more often for inspiration rather than magazines.

    You, your sketch books and your blog are like a breath of fresh air to scrapbookers everywhere. Thanks for sharing with us.

  67. Great LO - I just love the stitching around the records!

  68. That LO is just WAY too cute! Loving all your sketches & 2-pagers! Just AWESOME! :-)

  69. I love the idea of using a scallop punch where a small strip of pp would be. I need to jot that down so I will remember it, I have never thought to do that.

  70. I am a big fan of border punches because they can be used in so many different ways. Your use of teal really makes the page pop.

    We are on vacation this week but had to bring the laptop because I couldn't miss sketch week!!

  71. Cute layout! I love the way the handwritten jounaling strips look (I need to do more of that :)

    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Jennifer hamilton

  72. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Love the stitching on the records! Thanks for showing so many variations with the same sketch.

    - Heather B

  73. Great layout! I like how you used the same pattern paper for all 3 strips!

  74. Another fabulous layout, Ali! Love the stitching around the LP's---really adds a lot to the look! And I love seeing your handwriting on journaling strips. I alwasy think if I'm going to do strips that I need computer journaling---obviously not true!

  75. Allison- no one can ROCK a 2 pger like you can!! This is truly an awesome layout! Thanks for using my "Dan the Record Man" collection! (Dan thinks he's famous now more than ever.)LOL!!
    I can't wait to see who the winner is....

  76. kroller10:49 PM

    I love how you can take me outside the box ( boxes boxes of patterned paper that is) and I end up looking at papers that aren't my favorites in a new light. It's all about the execution..like a good recipe. It can include things you like and don't like, but when when combined correctly, they create something really good!LOL

  77. That handstitching on the records is going to make me break out the cross-stitch thread in the other room. I love it!

  78. Another cool LO and love the paper choice.

  79. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Love how you stitched around the records. TOO CUTE!!

  80. Love the paper used on this layout-perfect for the theme!
