On this layout the whole design is a grid consisting of patterned papers, pictures, and the journaling.
I can't believe how little Drew looks in those pictures! Look at those chubby cheeks and his wildly curly hair! He's growing up way too fast for my liking!
One reason I love using this type of total design grid is that it is so easy to do and there are so many possibilities when it comes to what elements you want to use. For example, my layout consists of 3 x 3 blocks of patterned paper and photos with the journaling taking up a 3 x 6 block. You could easily use less patterned paper and more photos or less journaling and larger photos. Like maybe three 3 x 6 photos and the remaining space filled in with 3 x 3 patterned paper blocks. There are so many ways to switch it up.
Another fantastic thing about this grid design is that is can be adapted to fit any skill level or style. It's one of those no fail designs.
Now I really want to play around with this design and try different shapes instead of the squares! :)
LOL! You just can't help yourself, can you? You are just 'oozing' with inspiration and the need to share it. LUCKY US!
Thanks for posting them here for us all to enjoy! :)
Oh, this is one of your very first layouts that I ever used like a sketch to create my own layout! I saw it in CK (maybe the HOF book?), which was before I ever knew that your family had a store in Springfield. I didn't even know about the sketch books at the time. All I knew was that out of that whole magazine your layouts appealed to me because they utilized multiple photos on 2 pages, had patterned paper without being too busy, told a great story, were about a little boy the same age as my son, and had just the right amount of extras.
I looked at your layouts and was amazed at how many great ideas they had, but I also thought, "I could do that." They were a stretch for me, but not impossible for a mere mortal. And now, years later, you have a slew of sketch books and a monthly sketch week that still jumpstarts my creativity. It's incredible how relevant you continue to be. Wow!
I love grids as well! Anytime I can come up with my own sketch it has some sort of underlying grid pattern.
I came across one on 2peas that has a grid with mickey mouse punches inside, so stinkin' cute! Seeing as I have two Disney trips I still haven't scrapped I'm going to try and copy that idea. Grids are so easy and always look great!
I remember this layout also. I agree with everything Amy from KC just posted above. Over the years it was your pages I marked and saved as my favorites before I even knew you and your store and blog. This is such a happy place to come to everday for inspiration and fun ideas. The way you break down everything into steps makes us reach out of our comfort zone and try new things with you. Thank you for all you do for us.
I love love grids and love this layout. Drew really is growing up too fast, wish we could keep them babies forever.
This is a great way to use up those little pieces of paper. I love the grid pattern in this layout, the way you positioned the pictures, and the stitched letters. Thank you for sharing some of your older layouts. Because I missed them the first time around since I wasn't interested in scrapbooking until a little over 2 years ago.
This is a great design, and yes it really seems like there are SO many ways to change it up. I will have to give this one a try. Awesome inspiration!
Very even and organized. Love that you can use scrap paper too!
I absolutely agree that grid designs are amazing! So easy to work with and fabulous end results. I love your personal touches here with all of the hand stitching!
Really like the stiched letters!
Did you use a template for the letters or free-hand them?
Beautiful layout! The color combination really appeals to me.
This grid design might be just the thing to help me to overcome my guilt about not keeping up with my 'photo a day' project this year. I could do 1 or 2 week's worth of photos on a double LO and call it a day!
I feel your pain about your kids growing up too quickly. As a mom to girls (6 and 3) who get more mature every day, my heart just breaks when I think there will come a day when they don't need me as much as they do now!
I miss those puffy cheeks, the crazy red curls, and the fact that he called me Tacey. Every time I see old pictures of Drewfus, I think of my glory days as "Tacey"!
Thank you so much! You all manage to make me smile at your comments. It's so cool to hear that some of you have followed my pages for so long. I love scrapbooking and knowing that I am helping or inspiring or just entertaining others is icing on the cake. Thank you!
Christa, I traced around chipboard letters. That's one thing I love about hand stitching, you can use so many things for a template.
Michele, I so know what you mean. My husband and I were just talking about that. I'm not looking forward to the day that we are no longer cool to hang out with.
Stacey, I need to do a layout about "Tacey". It's so crazy to think about things like that! And speaking of Drewfus, I need to do a layout with all the names we used to call him.
Allison it is so funny to read your sisters comment and then read yours. You girls sound like me and my sisters. The nicknames is so funny and yes you should do a layout so you don't forget and Drew will laugh about one day. Allison I can't imagine you not being cool enough for Drew to hang out with. Have a great weekend if you don't post again this week.
Beautiful layout Allison! I love the stitching. It is one of my favourite things to add to a page too. Thanks for the inspiration!
I remember this one too :) I am a grid lover too... makes things easy peasy!
I love your stitching! I have some stitching templates, but I don't know how to use them in my layout. This is a great example for me. Thanks!
I love the grid design & the muted colors of the layout.
Amy S (Tx)
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