Monday, July 12, 2010

Sketch Week - Wrap Up and Winners

Another Sketch Week has come to an end and the excitement for the next one can begin. Before I get into that here's a look at all the layouts from the week together.

The Sketch, from our DVD - Stretch Your Scrapbooking, that I used as the starting point for all five layouts.

"My Happy Place" - The layout that the sketch was based off of.

#1 - "More Than Sisters"

#2 - "Lovable, Sweet Chewy"

#3 - "The Word Nerd"

#4 - "Arnall Tradition"

#5 - "Balloon Boy"

The winner of the Sketches for Scrapbooking giveaway is...

Scrapthat said...
It looks great! I love the stars!! I NEED one of your sketch books I am itching to scrap my multi pic LOs!!

A big thank you to Pink Paislee for sponsoring July Sketch Week and donating an awesome giveaway. The winner of the Pink Paislee giveaway is...

debbie susee said...
Love all the stars! I have to do a 4th of July layout in the next week or so. Think I'll keep this sketch in mind when it comes up. :)

Congrats to both of you! You'll need to email me at with your shipping info. :)

Now let's talk a little about August Sketch Week. Before I had scheduled Sketch Week as the second week of the month but I was confusing myself. For example, if the first day of the month fell on Thursday of one week did that mean that the next week was the second week or should it be the week after that since it would have technically been the second full week of the month. Anyway, from now on Sketch Week will always fall on the second Monday of the month.

Mark your calendars for August 9th! I'm not giving any sponsor hints this time because I'm pretty sure any hints would totally give it away. In the email I received from the August sponsor I was told that "it will be a great prize that anyone would be happy to win!" and believe me, knowing exactly what the giveaway is...wowza! Let's just say they are being very generous! AND since this will be the first Sketch Week following CHA the giveaway is their newest products.

I'm looking forward to it! :)


  1. August sketch week sounds great! Thanks for another great week, the examples you give area always top notch!

  2. Thanks so much for all you do during sketch week for us. This was an amazing week and a favorite for me. You are so great at making the layout change daily for us and all the little details are so inspiring. I can't wait for next month's sketch week and the surprise giveaway is always awesome and so appreciated by all of us. Have a great week !

    Congratulations to both winners!!

  3. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Thanks again for the sketches. I scraplifted the "Chewy" layout and it is so darn cute. We have a border collie and our grandson was wearing orange so the colors were perfect.

    I anxiously await August sketch week.

    Linda from KS

  4. Congratulations to the winners and thank you for another inspirational Sketch Week. I look forward to August's Sketch Week! :)

  5. Sounds very exciting!

  6. What beautiful layouts!

  7. Oh Yippeee, Yahoooo and Weeeeheeeee!
    I'll drop you an email in a little bit....I have to contemplate which book to get from you! Thank you, Thank you!....Sooo excited about this!

  8. Michele Mc9:00 AM

    Already looking forward to August! I now have 10 (count em, 10!) double layouts in progress thanks to your sketch books. The ideas you share have increased my scrap productivity in a big way. Now, once I get my photos printed and complete them with embellies, maybe I will be brave enough to share.

    Hope you and your family are enjoying the summer!

  9. Cheryl9:39 AM

    Congrats to the winners! Always love Mondays and seeing all of the layouts together. Still can't get over how the pics pop off the page in the Arnall Tradition layout. Looking forward to August 9th!

  10. congrats to the winners! Can't wait for August 9th (it is also the first day of school for my little ones)

  11. Luv2talk11:00 AM

    I'm so happy for you, SCRAPTHAT! LOL

    Thanks for another great week of inspiration. I look forward to the SCRAPAGANZA August will bring! :)

  12. Hey Ali,
    I've been putting together many of your page kits while sitting with my 4year old in the hospital. He had surgery for a his ruptured appendix. It's been great to have your kits to keep me busy. I just threw my cutter, scissors, corner rounder, adhesives and distress ink in a bag. It's nice being able to tote a small bag instead of my huge xxl and all my other scrap pin' gear. Thanks Shari

  13. Carmen1:20 PM

    So excited about August sketch week, I will definitly have to mark my calendar cuz I have my third baby due on the 17th! Can't wait to see the sponsers and what they are giving away!

  14. Amy from KC2:45 PM

    Thank you for a great sketch week, Ali! This month's sketch was so great - easily customized and flexible in its intricacy. Congratulations to the winners of this month's drawings, and enjoy your prizes! It was so nice of Pink Paislee to donate a prize, and of course a new sketch book from SG is always a perfect treat.

    Looking forward to next month!

  15. Thank you guys so much for all the wonderful comments. It tickles me pink that you all don't get tired of my ramblings because I love doing Sketch Week so much!

    Michele, I hope to see them!

    Connie, I can't believe school is starting so soon! Drew is starting his first year this August. I'm so excited and scared all at the same time! :)

    Luv2talk, I love the word SCRAPAGANZA! lol!

    Shari, sending some get well wishes for your little one. Seeing your kiddos sick and in a hospital is not a pleasant experience. I'm so glad the books are helping you pass the time. :)

    Carmen, don't go into labor until Sketch Week is over! Congrats on the third addition. Wishing you and baby a healthy delivery! :)

  16. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Congrats to the winners!

    Amy S

  17. I am new to this sketch week. I just got your latest book and love it! I'll be around for the week of August 9!

  18. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us. I love your sketches. I made a layout from this sketch. It turned out so cute!
