Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sketches for Scrapbooking, CHA Sneak Peeks

I can't believe CHA is almost here! I'm anxious, nervous, excited, nervous, giddy, nervous...

I'm also excited to share with you all the new covers of our Sketches for Scrapbooking series of books and the Sketches for Cardmaking book. The newest volume, Volume 6 is already available but the other new cover editions won't be available until around August 15.

The covers weren't the only thing that got a face lift. Here's a look at the back cover.

I think my favorite part is a family photo (bottom left, you can only see a corner of it in this picture) of me, Karin, Stacey, Mom, Grandma, Drew, and Jackson. I'm just so proud of all our hard work and that we have managed to go this long without killing each other.

We also added a few updates to the inside as well.

Instead of the measurements and instructions being spread out around the sketch, they are now all together in a box at the bottom of the page. We also added how many photos are on the sketch (you can see it in the bottom right corner.) and the book is in order from least amount of photos to the most.

I think of all the covers Volume 4 is my favorite! I love the warm colors. Join me in my excitement by telling me which one is your favorite and you could win a copy of Sketches for Scrapbooking, (the new edition) Volume choice is all yours. :)

I'll announce the winner on Monday! Have a great weekend!


  1. They look fabulous!
    And I know alot of people are gonna LOVE the card sketchbook!!
    Have a fab time at CHA!

  2. I think the first, volume 1 has a really nice look. I really like that red. Thanks for the peek, everything looks great.

  3. I'm really loving the first one! I just got volume 6 and plan to use it tomorrow. :)

  4. They look gorgeous, Allison. Congrats!

  5. Oh my gosh! These look fabulous. Hard to choose a cover, but I'll go with Vol 5 cuz I like brown & blue together. I don't have any sketchbooks but these are tempting indeed!

  6. I love the cards cover! :D Congrats on getting these to CHA, they are going to go like hotcakes!

  7. Janelle H.10:54 PM

    The cover on Book 4 really jumped out at me - the colors remind me of my favorite fall season!!

  8. I'm a fan of citrus-ey colors so I think Vol 3, with the green circle and orange stripe, is my fave! So happy for you and the new revisions to your books! Now if I could just win one...:)

  9. I love the makeovers! My favorite
    is #5-I love that aqua color!

  10. I chose Volume 6 because I have it in my hands and it looks super. (I won it on this blog a month or so ago & received it last week!) My favorite thing was on the back cover - the photo of all the generations. The new book is very professional looking and I was so relieved that you kept everything I love about the first 5 volumes and just made them better.

  11. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I am going with volume 6. I love the "muted" photo of little Jackson behind the title. I think the cover is fresh and full of sunshine.

    But I must say, I love the colors of the Stacey's card sketches.

  12. I'm loving the green on volume 3, but love the layout shown on volume 6.


  13. Amy from KC11:46 PM

    I love them all! Ok, if I have to choose my favorite cover, I'm going to go with Volume 1. I love how bright and attention-grabbing the red makes it, and I also love the layout on that cover.

    I already won a sketch book, vol. 6, and have all of them, so don't put me in the drawing. Someone else should get a new book instead. I just wanted to add my good wishes for a VERY successful CHA. I know people are going to love your books! :)

  14. I like cover 6...with the yellow it's one of my fave layouts!

  15. I love the Sketches for Cardmaking cover the best. I thought about why and realized I'm not a circle person and love the straight lines and the muted colors. But I did try some circle layouts based on your sketches to try to expand my horizons, but still gravitate to the nice linear ones.

  16. If I have to pick one, I think Volume 5 is the best! I love the colors and also the layout that is featured on the cover.

  17. They all look great but I really like the colors on the cardmaking book! I love that you guys added the photo count and put the pages in order of the amount of pictures! I actually have done that to the books I already have so having it done already will just make my life easier! Great work!

  18. Wow Allison, these are amazing. For some reason I was thinking they'd all have the same color on the front. I love that they all have a different color which makes it harder to choose of course. Congratulations on your success with these books. Everyone is going to be lining up at CHA to get one or two or all of them. You are going to have a blast so don't be too nervous. I love the changes you've made on the inside too. Great job SG for all the hard work you put in to them.

    Ok now a favorite cover is going to be #2 because I loved loved this layout-music is in our family. Then #1 for being such a cool sketch with the little mini photos. I usually always pick blue my fave color then fall themes but went with something different this time. I do love them all though.

    I also love the card sketchbook and can see why some chose that one I almost thought of picking it too. I love the clean simple cover. Makes me want to start making cards.
    Have a happy weekend and I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  19. Volume 4 is my favorite! I love that green. I also like that thye are all consistent yet different. Great job!

  20. I have volume four. The look of the card sketch book is JUST GORGEOUS!!!

  21. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I would have to say six. The cute face & bright colors just draw me in every time I see it. And of course the layout was just amazing when it debuted on your blog.

    Amy S. (TX)

  22. I love them all, but think maybe I'm more drawn to #5 because I do a ton of boy pages, and those remind me of boy colors.

  23. I like them all,but I love the red and the polka dots on Vol. 1!

  24. Jody B.7:50 AM

    Although they're all great, I'm really loving Volume 6. I just love the sunny colors and that layout on the cover is one of my favorites.

  25. Wendy7:59 AM

    I would love to own any of them and can't wait to get my first one. I have to say Vol. 3 is my fave only because green is my favorite color!

  26. Well, red is my favourite, so I'm saying volume 1~

  27. Laura J8:01 AM

    The new covers are beautiful! Love how bright and cheery they are! I think I like Vol. 1 the best...just love that red!

  28. They are all beautiful but my favorite is the green one-volume three!

  29. Marcia S8:41 AM

    I love them all, but esp. the card cover. That was a great idea to put the number of photos and arrange the book accordingly. Great idea! Congratulations.

  30. Tiffany G.8:42 AM

    I love the cover of volume 6. That sunshine page is so inspiring! I have volume 6 and I am not sure how I would scrap without it. Would love to have another!

  31. They all look fab but I think Vol. 5 is my favorite. I love blue and that is a gorgeous shade of it.

  32. They all look wonderful and I can't wait to order one! I love the new revisions.

  33. Sketches for Cardmaking... hard to really pic one though, such amazing LOs in all!!

  34. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Allison, I am so happy for Scrapbook Generation! It is still one of my favorite scrapbook stores. I always stop by for a little shopping when I am in Springfield. Congrats on your successes in the scrapbooking industry!

    My favorite color is green. So my favorite cover would be #3. All the covers are great! Can't wait to see them in person!

    Stacie in OK

  35. Penny Peck9:56 AM

    hard to pick just ONE favorite - like them all and the updates! I would pick voume 1 because it led to volume 2, then 3, then 4, etc!

  36. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I would love to have any one of the sketch books as the covers are all nice, but if I had to choose only one I would pick volume 5. I am really into blue, orange, brown, and white right now and it just screams summer and boys to me. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your books!

    K in PA

  37. I love the Sketches for Cardmaking. Browns and blues together just get me in the mood for being crafty.

  38. I love them all but my fav would have to be Vol 1!!

  39. I like the Volume 2 cover. Orange and Blue - beautiful!

  40. Carmen10:10 AM

    These look awesome!! Congrats! I really need one of these sketch books and now I need the card one too ;)

  41. Theresa Grdina10:23 AM

    Congratulations! Red is my favorite color so I have to say that the volume 1 cover is my fave!! I absolutely love the idea of a book for card sketches! That's going to be a big seller!!!!

  42. Which is my favorite? How about all of them!

  43. Wow! They look SO professional! I love the 2nd and 3rd volumes. You picked some beautiful colors. Also I really enjoy the finished pages that you put on the front.

  44. RacheT10:42 AM

    I like the cover of volume 5. It must be the blue and brown - I love those colors together!

  45. I really like the blue one. I'm always drawn to blue :) Have a great time at CHA!!!

  46. I think number 5 is my favorite. I love the blue, too! :)

  47. Don't be nervous Allison, they are going to do great. I am going to CHA and I will be sure to stop in and introduce myself. See you there!

  48. Michelle10:57 AM

    I love that green on volume 3! These books are awesome and I love the changes you have made! Using these has changed the way I scrapbook. Congratulations to you and your family.

  49. I really like them all but I think #2 is my favorite. Congratulations!!

  50. Great UPDATES. I'm looking forward to getting the VOLUMES I don't already have:)

    I pick VOL. 1 as my favorite: Who can resist that close up of DREW with the popcicle?


  51. My favorite cover is #2. I'm a big fan of orange. It just makes me smile. I just received volume 6, my one and only book. I love the sketches and the formatting.

  52. Congratulations, Ali, on this successful adventure! Your books are fabulous.

    I love the volume 4 book, too, but volume 5 is my favorite--I'm a sucker for blue & orange :)

  53. Michele Mc11:28 AM

    Oh my goodness - these look fantastic! Hard to choose but I'm torn between 3 and 5 (green and blue are favorite). I think I am most excited about the number of photos in the bottom corner. Just last night I was paging through the 4 versions that I have to find a sketch for 8-10 photos. Although having that information readily available will take away my excuse to do just that.... sit and flip through my books!
    Good luck at CHA! I'm sure the books will be WELL received.

  54. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Love the Orange in Volume2!

  55. Mary Bez11:49 AM

    I just received Volumes 5 and 6 in the mail last week and already had volume 3. I have to say that so far that Volume 6 is my favorite but a big part of the is do to the updated layout for each sketch!! You did a fabulous job with the updates.....will be ordering the rest of the set soon to complete my collection. THANKS!

  56. They are all amazing but i drawn to the cover of Volume 6 I love the Yellow and aqua together. thanks for the sneak peek.

  57. Green's my favorite color, so I have to go with Volume 3. They all look fabulous! Have fun at CHA.

  58. Love the bright green on Volume 3 - but they all look great!

  59. WOW! That just about says it all. They all look amazing! Congratulations! It always makes me happy to see good talented people find success! Best of luck for CHA and after. -Traci

  60. kroller1:12 PM

    They all look so great but I have to pick that red and green (thats the colors in my scrap room) but the card sketch book is a nice change too, and the LO on #4 is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing! Good luck @ CHA!!!!

  61. They all look so great. Can't wait for them to come out so i can order. I think my fav is volume 4 love that shade of blue. Thanks for sharing! looking forward in ordering them soon.

  62. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Love the colors on the Sketches for cardmaking so I will have to say it is my fav.

  63. Anonymous2:14 PM

    The cover of volume three is my favorite. That green is my happy color! How exciting for you! Can't wait to get all of them!

  64. Great looking books! I really love #5. I've been on a circle kick lately!

  65. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I love Vol. #1. That popsicle layout and the red color drew me in.

    Kathy R

  66. JodyJane3:00 PM

    OH, I really love the new covers, but my favorite would have to be # 6!

  67. CarissaH3:12 PM

    Beautiful! I love all the new "additions"!! Volume 5 is my fave. I love blue and brown together with the touch of orange!

  68. Love them all and can't wait to get them. I think Volume 5 is my favorite though.

  69. Cheryl4:00 PM

    They all look great, but my fave is #4, followed closely by #2.

    Have a great weekend!

  70. They all look great! Red is my favorite color, so I'm really liking the red cover of Volume 1!

  71. They all look great! I think I like the green on #3. I just love that color.

  72. Oh my gosh, that is such a hard decision. But I think number #3 is my favorite. Love the green. They all look fabulous! Good luck! Ya'll have done a wonderul job. You deserve it.

  73. it's very hard to choose one, but i love the color combination of #5 right now. to win one would be a really fantastic surprise! thank you!

  74. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I like the colors on #6...and that cute baby photo! :) Loving the new look and update. I think they'll fly off the shelves!

  75. Volume 3- lime green if my favorite color and I love how bright and fun the cover layout is too:-)

  76. Robbin8:08 PM

    Right now my favorite is volume 6 because it is one I look at a is on my scrapbooking table, and I LOVE IT!!!!

  77. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I like vol. 1, even though blue is my fav. color. I am liking the red. It is bold and it says buy me.

    Christine dix

  78. Christy9:53 PM

    I really like Volume 3, I like the layout featured on the cover.

  79. Gretchen Lindsey10:10 PM

    I just got vol 6 at the store on wednesday and have drooled over it since!! Love the updates! My favorite new cover is #5. I liked everything about it. The sketch, the colors. It's beutiful!

    Hope you'll have a great show and are a big hit at CHA!!

  80. Anonymous10:15 PM

    They all look so good but i think today.. my fav would be.. #3:)
    Lori R

  81. I like the card cover--summer pool colors.

  82. They all look really nice, but I am into the color of No. 5 right now.

  83. Anonymous11:52 PM

    So excited for you all to go to CHA. I know you'll be great!! I think volume 1 is my fav because I love that layout and the colors.

  84. I can't choose! I love them all!
    Thanks you so much for a chance to win exciting.:)

  85. Anonymous2:40 AM

    My favorite is #3 ... love that apple green. But they all look great. Congratulations!

  86. I love the blue and brown on #5!

  87. Cindy Leggett10:22 AM

    Congratulations and good luck on your new adventure. Everyone is going to love your sketches. I love the look of Volumne 5. The blue reminds me of the store Tiffany's and we all know that only wonderful things come from a Tiffany box.

  88. Even though I have volumes 4 and 5 and love them, I like the cover on volume 3. The lime green is so summery and such a happy color. Having the layouts in order with least photos to most photos will make the sketch books even more efficient.

  89. Yeah! These are going to be great! I think my fav is Volume 5, love the blue and brown! You guys must be so excited for these to come out!

  90. Well red is my favorite color, so Volume 1! But I love them all! And just ordered volume six a few days ago, I'm anxiously waiting for it to arrive.

  91. seaottermommy5:24 PM

    I love the greens on #3. I have to say thank you for these books. I have bought a couple for my mother in law. She really loves scrapbooking but struggles with layouts. Your measurements and placement ideas helped her tremendously. Now we can both enjoy making new layouts.

  92. Jennifer Riley9:00 PM

    My favorite is cover #5 with the orange/aqua! Thanks for the great ideas!

  93. Carmen12:10 AM

    These look great!! I really need one of your sketch books! I just got home from a crop and did 4 of your sketches!! Love your work!

  94. wow... how to decide? well, i like the brightness of 2. So i suppose that is my favorite, but they all look fabulous.

  95. Volume 6 is my favorite! I love the color scheme and the cute little boy on the front :)

  96. I'd have to say 1 is my fave--love red. But love the fresh look of the green in #3.
    Congrats on this new step in your business. Hope CHA goes well for you all.

  97. I love volume 5- that scketch is one of my all time favorites!

  98. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I love the covers of volumes 1 & 4. Have fun at CHA!

    Debbie L.

  99. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I like the colors of Volume 4 the best. They all look great! Good luck at CHA!

  100. I wanted to leave comment #100, and to wish you a "happy birthday!"


  101. Anonymous7:58 PM

    I can't decide between two so I'll say both...I love the colours of Volume 1 and the Card Sketches book too. Congratulations!! By the way your Mom is too cute!

  102. I like the volume 4 cover the best. They all look really nice.

  103. Volume 5 is my favorite. Love that color combo.
