Friday, August 6, 2010

Good News. Bad News.

Do you want the good or bad first? I say we'll get the bad over with first.

This month's Sketch Week that was scheduled for August 9 (Monday) has to be postponed until August 16. I feel horrible having to do that but since the sponsor is sending out their newest releases from CHA it won't get here until Monday. I was hoping it would arrive this weekend and I could get the layouts done then but without the products I don't have layouts to show. On the bright side, you will love the sponsor this month and the prize package is fantastic. Definitely worth the wait!

The good news?

I've got a fun announcement coming up next week. If you like Sketch Week, hopefully you'll be excited about it. :) Okay so that wasn't exactly the best "good news" since I can't tell you about it until next week. I just needed something to balance out the bad news and that was all I had.

Have a great weekend!


  1. LOL! You funny girl!
    If you say it's worth the wait then I believe!
    Looking Soooooo forward to sketch week!
    Still trying to play over here so I'll try to keep busy and out of trouble till sketch week arrives and your mysterious surprise! (looking forward to knowing what it is too!) :) Have a great weekend!

  2. Thank you for letting us know in advance about postponing. Looking forward to learning about all the surprises. I love exciting suspence. Have a great weekend. Traci

  3. Looking forward to the 'good news' :)

  4. Hi Allison,

    Your bad news is good news for me. My computer has decided to act up on me and won't even turn on. So I'm at the library using their comptuters, what a pain. I'm so use to checking your blog a few times a day now I will whenever I get to library. Maybe by sketch week my computer will be working and that is my bday week also, yeeeh!! I can't wait to see what your surprise is, love surprises. Have a great week. You are welcome for the bday cards.

  5. By the way Allison forgot to mention I put my daughter's wedding pictures from this past weekend on my blog if you'd like to check them out. My blog is at

  6. Amy from KC11:08 AM

    Sketch week is worth the wait! Use this time to recover from CHA. You could also post some of your favorite layouts from your old Sketch a Day challenge to tide us over. (No pressure, just thought it would be a fun idea!)

    I feel the end of summer barreling down the trafcks straight at I've got to go and squeeze the most out of our time left! Have a great weekend.

  7. Amy from KC11:09 AM

    TRACKS! I know how to spell tracks! Yeesh.

  8. I can't wait to see the "fun announcement". I will be staying tuned.

  9. Oooh, can't wait to see the mystery sponsor. Hmmm... wonder who it is.

    Yay, for the announcement! Always love your announcements and I was completely honored to be part of your last new blog happening, featuring layouts from other people.

  10. Thanks for the tease...can't wait!

  11. LOL You are so funny! We completely understand that this may happen. Looking forward to it!
