Monday, December 27, 2010

Sketch Support

It's almost time! With each day that gets closer my excitement builds even more. I just might burst before we get to January 1.

Today I've got a few things to share with you about the new site. First up, our blog badge.

Go ahead and grab it to add to your blog or whatever you want!

I thought since we are down to days until the big launch that I would share some more information with you.

Sketch Support will work much like Sketch Week did. Each month will feature four sketches:

• a card sketch
• a one-page sketch
• a two-page sketch
• and an add-on sketch

Each week of the month will focus on one of the sketches with projects posted throughout the week. The fun part is that you never know what you might see each week. There are zero limits on what the sketches are used for so you might see a card sketch used for a home decor project or a one-page sketch used for a two-page layout.

All of the sketches will be available to download and print plus we've added the printable sketches from my blog to the new site so they are all in one place. Each type of sketch (one-page, card, two-page, and add-on) have their own page so you don't have to search through all of them to find what you are looking for. One of my favorite new features is the "quick guide". If you are looking for a specific sketch, like one with five photos, you can click on the link and it will pull up all the posts that have sketches with five photos.

The giveaways will continue and January is going to be extra special in that department. Since we are celebrating the launch of Sketch Support we've got multiple sponsors and multiple giveaways. Believe me, you won't want to miss out on those!

It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I started pondering the thought of Sketch Month after several suggestions of it from you, my blog readers. I remember the minute the idea of how that could become a possibility hit me. I filled a notebook with ideas and plans in just a few hours. My mind was racing! I don't ever remember being that excited about something (aside from the birth of my boys). Thank you so much for lighting that spark in me! With the help of our fantastic Creative Team, I think Sketch Support is going to be an excellent way to start the New Year!

Don't forget, you can find us on facebook by clicking here!


  1. Looking forward to the launch! ;)

  2. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Awesome! Can't wait and I'm very excited for you!

  3. Anonymous5:56 AM

    What a way to bring in the new year! Thank you!

  4. Jody B.6:38 AM

    I can't wait until the launch.

  5. Hi Allison,

    I'm so excited for Jan.1st also. It's going to be so awesome to see even more inspiration and so many talented projects/ideas out there. I've been following your blog forever it seems and it always get better and more exciting. So thank you for all you do for us and for your support and care you give to all of us. I'm happy to be bringing in another New Year with you. So I will be bursting right beside you on/or befor Jan.1st, lol!! You should be very proud of what you've accomplished. Have a great week till then.

  6. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I am counting the days!

    Thanks for the hard work to make layouts easier for me.

    Linda from KS

  7. So excited about the launch of Sketch Support. I am thrilled to be a part of it.

  8. Can't wait! Yippee!

  9. Laura J9:34 AM

    Can't wait for the new sounds wonderful!! Thanks for sharing your creative genius with us!

  10. This sounds like a fabulous project! Can"t wait for it to start. I am always looking for good sketches!

  11. How exciting! I'm looking forward to it!

  12. Sounds so fun! So happy for you and your new venture, Allison!
    I'm gonna put your badge on my blog!

  13. I'm so excited about the upcoming launch!

  14. Can't wait!!! Such an exciting new adventure :O)

  15. Can't wait ... how do I add the badge link to my typepad site?

  16. I can't even wait!!! I am adding the badge to my blog!!!!


  17. cant wait to get started!

  18. Hooray! Really looking forward to Saturday . . . :)

  19. PS...if your bustin' you could always start it up early...none of us would mind I'm sure!

  20. Laura, I'm not sure about typepad. I think you should be able to just add it as a picture. :)

  21. I can't wait, Ali! Looking forward to Jan 1!

  22. Looks like a lot of fun! Added your badge to my blog!
