Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snuggled Up in Bed

Just to let you know...

For the third time in three weeks my family is sick. Like yucky, stomach virus sick. Poor Drew had to miss Polar Express Day at school today and I feel just awful for him. He was so looking forward to it and even had new Iron Man pajamas to wear for the event. It broke my heart this morning when he said, "It's just not fair that I can't go!" I guess the silver lining is that it's better that we are sick now than on Christmas morning.

I know I've fallen behind on emails so if you are expecting one from me, hold tight, I'll get to it as soon as I can hold my head up for more than five minutes. :) Thank you so much for your patience!


  1. Your house sounds exactly like ours. The last three weeks we've just been battling one sickness after the other. And my thought was the same as yours- better now than on Christmas. Hope every feels better and you have a happy holiday!

  2. Wishing you and your family all good health for Christmas! Feel better soon!

  3. That sounds like our house this December! Hope everyone gets well just in time for Christmas!!

  4. We have been lucky so far. So sorry to hear about your little ones. It is hard once they start school and miss fun days. Sending hugs and healthy wishes for you and family.

  5. kroller1:17 PM

    So sorry, that stuff is going around like crazy..it's everywhere. I feel for you and am sorry that Drew missed his fun day. Hope all of you get well soon and enjoy your Christmas break.

  6. Sorry to hear you are unwell, and I hope everyone is well before Christmas. Take care.

  7. Jody B.3:24 PM

    Hope everyone feels better for Christmas!

  8. Awwww,, hope your family feels better soon.

  9. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Awww, I'm sorry to hear about Drew being sick.. :(... Hope he gets to feeling better really soon! Since Drew missed Polar Express Day at school today.. The movie Polar Express is going to be on ABC Family at 8 pm tonight.. Just thought I would throw that out there!

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Awww, I'm sorry to hear about Drew being sick.. :(... Hope he gets to feeling better really soon! Since Drew missed Polar Express Day at school today.. The movie Polar Express is going to be on ABC Family at 8 pm tonight.. Just thought I would throw that out there!

  11. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Awww, I'm sorry to hear about Drew being sick.. :(... Hope he gets to feeling better really soon! Since Drew missed Polar Express Day at school today.. The movie Polar Express is going to be on ABC Family at 8 pm tonight.. Just thought I would throw that out there!

    Ashley L.

  12. Wishing you and your family a speedy recovery in time for Christmas.

  13. I hope you all feel better soon.

  14. Awwww, I hope the little guy is feeling better by now. Do they get a Christmas break? I ask because my DD's last day was on Fri the 17th. They had their Christmas party and Polar Express/pj's day on that same day. My DD's birthday was a couple days ago and she had her first "friends" birthday party. One of the little girls there threw up at the party. Poor thing. Her mother and little sister were at home with the stomach flu. Hopefully she feels better and, hopefully, all those kids (and adults) at the party don't end up with it too. :( Keep your fingers crossed and I hope everyone in your household is all healthy and feelin' good by Christmas.


  15. Thank you everyone! The Davis family is finally healthy. Let's hope it stays that way at least for another few weeks.

    Christel, their last day before Christmas break was on Wednesday and they don't go back until after the New Year. I think we all got it from Jackson and his daycare. I guess a few days before we all started getting sick they had quite a few throwing up. Yuck!
