Friday, January 14, 2011

I not do it.

There are many Mom moments in my life where I am in a situation that I should discipline but instead I end up laughing. I probably confuse the kids when I laugh at whatever it is that they say or do and with eyes still wet with laughing tears I try to tell them I have to take something away or put them in time out. What can I say? I'm human, and kids are funny.

Last weekend when I was making the 300 mini-cupcakes, I saw Jackson come out of Drew's room. Drew had fallen asleep on the couch and Jackson had taken this opportunity to sneak into his room. As he got closer I noticed that he had red markings all over his arm and hand.

 Great. Jackson had gotten into Drew's markers again. Most often this means that we have some sort of "artwork" on a wall somewhere in the house, but it looked like he used himself as the canvas this time. Mike went to get some wipes to clean his hand off when I heard him say, "It's not just on his arm!" Oh no! What is it now? The wall, Drew's table, the TV? Nope.

Drew's bed. I took Jackson into Drew's room and asked him, "Did you do this?" As he leaned against his creation, he replied with a pouty look on his face, "I not do it. Drew do it." Mike and I both couldn't contain our laughter as we looked at Jackson, literally caught red handed, yet here he is, not quite old enough to put two and two together. It was one of those moments that I wished I was on a reality TV show or I walked around with my flip camera permanently attached to my hand just so a camera would have captured it.


  1. This is too hilarious. My 3 year old nephew always admits his mischief, like he is proud of it: "Who did this?" (exuberant) "Me!"

  2. This is just too funny. I can't believe he didn't own up to it. These were great pictures of his sneakiness. Thanks for sharing this with us, love to see what your boys are up to.

  3. Linda6:12 AM

    What a large canvas!!! I can see he will have the creativity of his Mom! I only hope the markers wers washable.

  4. Too Funny! I remember when my sister wrote her name in the closet and blamed it on the dog!

  5. That's AWESOME! LOL I think there's a website or facebook page called "Sh!t My Kids Ruined". You should submit this.

  6. Awwwwww the found memories you bring back to my mind! lol Thanks for the giggle ;)

  7. Wow, that made me bust up laughing! Your boys are great!

  8. I would absolutely burst out laughing too. Thanks for the chuckle!

  9. Too funny!!! Thanks for sharing...

  10. Im sure every Mom has had this same story to tell..I know I have! Thanks for the smile and a laugh your story has brought me :O)

  11. Red handed...hysterical.

  12. That is hillarious! I have tears in my eyes from laughing at this story. Poor Drew can't even nap without being blamed ;) The hilarious part ... Jackson spelt fun on the bottom left hand corner of the bed sheet ... LOL! TFS!

  13. Oh my! What a story, one you will definitely have to scrap.

  14. Karen B7:14 AM

    Thanks for making me laugh out loud!That is priceless.

  15. Too funny! My son would have said, 'I didn't do it, the pen did'. lol...

  16. This is sooo precious!!! My DD once got hold of permanent markers and went wild on the dishwasher. But Mami, I just wanted to do it like in Kindergarten. (They have whiteboards there) It was fun, though (not the clean up....)

  17. runzalot81, I checked out that website and it is hilarious!

    Jennifer, I didn't even notice the "fun" he wrote!

    It sounds like lots of us have similar stories! I finally learned my lesson and have put all markers in the closet out of Jackson's reach. (Embarrassingly after he did this again a few days later!)

  18. OH MY GOSH!
    My DD does this with she gets the washable ones uh Do you 'spose I would stifle her creative side if I wait till she's at least ten to give her markers????????
    seriously considering it.
    she does get the color magic ones and that's it!

  19. The color magic ones are great! I never buy markers other than ones that are washable but this set came as a Christmas gift. I think the next time we get markers as a gift we'll donate them to someone else and then replace them with the washable ones!

  20. Oh MY! It would be hard to contain the laughter on that one. I still think you should scrap the story.

  21. I love your kids. They do such cute things.

  22. This is too funny! My daughter loved to draw on the walls! Every time I would get on the phone, she would pull them out and draw me a beautiful picture.

  23. Yeah, we have that problem too. Last night I saw that Jackson had drawn on his Toy Story Woody, a truck, and a puzzle. I'm starting to think we have more things in our house that are colored than not!

  24. What a funny story! It is good you can laugh about these things. I need to do that more. Thanks for sharing :)
