Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A rewind to father's day

It always takes me a day or two to figure it out. I'm moody, cry at the drop of a hat, and just a little off. Then I will realize, Father's Day is nearing and since November 2005, honestly, I haven't really liked that day. It's a big fat reminder that I won't be spending the day with my dad. I do this every time Father's Day rolls around.

It sucks.

I'm fine once I figure out what it is that changes my mood so much and the day that is creeping closer and closer. I can't sit there and dwell on the fact that my dad isn't here. I may not want to accept it and move on but really you don't get a choice like that. It's accept it or live a miserable life being upset about something you can't change. When I realize that it's Father's Day and my lack of a father is making me upset I do my best to go in a positive direction with my thoughts. Instead of being upset about the fact that he isn't here, I try to remember that I should be happy of the 24 Father's Days that I did get to spend with him. And I am.

I also have to remind myself that I need to make sure that Mike has a fantastic Father's Day. I have to admit the best part of Father's Day is helping the boys with a gift for their dad. Every year we make something for him and this year we kicked it up a notch and made two.

The first is a layout that I made and the boys came up with the ten things they love the most about their dad for the journaling.

Drew did most of the speaking and Jackson just repeated what he said.

The second gift we made was a recordable book called Daddy & Me that Drew found at a store. This was hilarious. The book is full of questions that kids answer about their dad. Drew did an excellent job of answering the questions. Jackson was a little too focused on the buttons that you push for recording. Basically it would go like this...

Me: Where do you like to go with Dad on a Saturday?
Drew: We go to the park and it is so much fun and I like it. We go down the slide and I like scream because it's a lot of fun?
Jackson: Push the button.

Me: Would you and Dad have more fun on a boat, a dogsled, or a spaceship?
Drew: Spaceship! We would go to the moon, Saturn, Mars, and um...Jupiter.
Jackson: Let me push the button!
Me: Do you want to go with Dad in a spaceship?
Jackson: No. I wanna push the button.

Me: If you and Dad were superheros, what powers would you have?
Drew: Fire power!
Jackson: Push it. Push it to talking. Push the button.

Me: If you and your Dad were inventors, what would your first invention be?
Drew: A banana flying thing!
Me: What about you Jackson? What would you make with Daddy?
Jackson: Push the BUTTON!!
Me: Drew, what would you do with your invention?
Drew: I would make a control and control it.
Me: Like a remote controlled banana?
Drew: Yup. That flies.
Jackson: Button.

At one point, when I asked Jackson, "If Dad won a gold medal for doing something incredible, what would it be?", he threw me for a loop. He didn't say "push the button!" Nope. He instead said, "Pooping!" It was all down hill from there. The boys were obsessed with putting the word poop in their answers and Mike ended up with a book half full of bathroom humor followed by hysterical giggling.

It was hilarious and Mike laughed just as hard as the boys did.


  1. I'm sending you hugs and smiles to get you thru this rough time. I'm so glad you try to think of the postive side of having your dad for those years and what he has taught you. I'm sure he's looking down at you and those sweet boys and loving them. I love the layout and card for your hubby. How funny is Jackson and the button, Drew had some cool answers though. Have you recovered from Disney and will you share some photos and story's from Disney? Give a hug to your mom and sister for me too. Have a wonderful Tuesday.

  2. This was our first Father's Day without my amazing Father-in-law. So hugs to you. I am blessed to still have my dad but he lives so far away I only get to see him once a year.
    I love you story and LO. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. I know what you mean about missing your Dad. My Dad passed away Sept. 30, 2008 and I missed him more than ever this year.

    I LOVED the book you did with the boys! That will be fun to look back on when they're my boys ages, 29 & 27!

  4. Oh, Allison, I feel so much for you. This holiday has to be tough. Best wishes.
