Sunday, July 24, 2011

I wanna go underwater

I know I've mentioned on my blog how fearless Jackson is in the water. Well, we decided because of his fearlessness that swimming lessons might be a good idea. I went to the Aquatic Center and signed him up in the class for his age group, a Mommy and me class. I thought he would love it.

Unfortunately, he did not.

He just wasn't up to playing the "hokey pokey" in the water or pouring cups of water on our bodies. Yup, he had no interest it in at all. While the other kids where screaming and crying over water on their shoulders my little boy was doing this...

and it absolutely scares me to death! This is in water way over his head and it doesn't phase him at all. He can swim underwater better than most kids twice his age. So much so that he actually draws spectators to see how long he can hold his breath and how well he can kick his feet and swim underwater. He's quite the attraction my little half boy, half fish.

Don't worry, there is always an adult in the water with him since he still hasn't mastered swimming above water. He's close but just not quite there yet.

The most comical part is the moment he pops up out of the water. With barely any time to take a breath he says, "I wanna go underwater again!" and down he goes. Occasionally he'll throw out a "I wanna be a shark!" or "I wanna be a fish!" and dive under.

I would be surprised but he obviously got his love for water from me, the little girl who was nicknamed "fish" by her elementary principal and spent every waking minute of the summer in the water. I wonder if I scared my mom as much as Jackson scares me!


  1. How awesome is Jackson, love these pictures. That's amazing he can swim that good and underwater. I have a little fish too and she's the first one in the pool and the last one to be dragged out even though she's 13. Let's hope he still loves swimming when he's older and can join the swim team.

  2. Okay....that kinda scares me a little just hearing about it! It's great that he's learning to swim though...that should alleviate SOME of your fears! Kinda makes me glad my little gal will go in the water but has no real interest in "swimming" and it's a wading pool...happy for that too!

  3. I thought it would calm my fears a little but really it doesn't. He just keeps getting braver and braver which means we have to watch him like a hawk and keep him within arms reach around any kind of water. But that's just Jackson, I love him more than anything in the world but he scares me to death constantly!

  4. That is awesome! I have a huge fear of the water when my girls are near it as I am not a swimmer. My youngest unfortunately has no fear either. She can swim under and above okay but still.....
    Those pictures are amazing. Can I ask what lens you use?

  5. A real little cute.

  6. Wow you weren't kidding Allison! He is brave! It's funny that you used to do it to your Mom! My Dad keeps saying he can't wait until I have kids to put me through all the things my brother and I put him through :) He looks like he's having a blast though!

  7. It's great that he's comfortable in the water. I never was and it was actually a relief to see both my boys take to the water and not have the anxieties about it that I did.

    "Never Swim Alone - Ever!"

    Teach him early to respect the importance of that statment. My boys knew they shan't even have a toe in the water without a buddy around.


  8. COScraps, it a NIKKOR 18-105mm DX VR Lens that came with my camera. I love it. It hardly ever comes off my camera! :)

    Jennifer, my mom always has a little smirk on her face when Drew or Jackson causes me trouble. I know she loves it! lol!

    Luv2talk, that is such a great lesson to teach them. We had thought about getting a pool at home but decided we wanted to wait until Jackson was a little older. One second alone and he would be in the water, I just know it. Right now neither one of the boys swims without one of us in the water with them. :)

  9. What a cutie in the water!! Jackson is going to scare you death in many more ways as he grows up! lol

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