Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas card photos

Each year we take pictures for our Christmas card and each year it gets more complicated. There is the challenge to do something different than the year before while trying to make it fun for the boys. I am always nervous before taking the pictures because I'm afraid they are going to be in a mood and won't want to cooperate.

I knew I was in for extra trouble this year since I picked out a hat for Jackson to wear. At first he refused it, of course. I may have told him a little white lie to get him to wear it. (Something about Mickey asking that he wear it because the color matched his ears, or something like that.) It was worth it because he looked so handsome!

With Drew I wasn't worried about lack of cooperation, he's always so good at participating in pictures. I think he secretly loves it. We did have a little surprise tooth pulling about five minutes before we took the photos. The thought that the tooth fairy would be soon visiting with some money put Drew in good spirits. He looked cute with the little gaps from his missing teeth.

In an effort to make it fun for the boys I let them come up with some photo ideas. They loved the whole photo booth/prop type of photos and thought Santa beards would be funny. We searched for a good Santa beard template online but didn't have much luck. The boys ended up picking out a picture of a beard they liked and we hand drew it ourselves.

They cracked me up because they were so serious for the photos with the beards. I don't think they realized that we could see their mouths through the mouth hole on the beard.

Just like every year, I worried over nothing. The pictures turned out great and the boys had fun. Mike even helped out! He danced and made faces behind me and who knows what else and the boys giggled and squealed in delight. I don't think there was a bad picture in the bunch.

Here are a couple of my favorites:


  1. Super cute!! Love the Santa beard idea, and yes, both your boys are handsome. :)

  2. Great photos, Allison. Good looking boys!

  3. Allison, these turned out SO cute! :) Love how you drew the santa beards yourself! :)

  4. Oh my- so, so cute. They turned out AWESOME. Whatever you (and Mike) did- it worked. That Santa beard is too adorable. I see some fun scrappy days ahead for you with these pics..thanks for sharing!

  5. All the pictures look so great!! So glad they had fun.

  6. You totally ROCK. You always have. Hand-cutting your own I said, you totally ROCK!

  7. How cute these pictures are, love them! Great idea with the Santa beards, they look so cool. Glad you could get some pictures of your handsome boys.
    Have a Merry Christmas!!

  8. Your photos turned out great!! Love the hat too and the vest, so cute! The lights are such a great idea to add a little bit of the holidays. You inspire me to want to take my own photos for my holiday card next year.
