Saturday, June 1, 2013

A few things to be excited about...

One thing I am not excited about is tornadoes. Or tornado season. Or living in an area that tornadoes are a constant threat. Wait. The title of this post was things to be excited about, right?

Tonight, as I write this, I am excited that I survived what I can only describe at one of the most scary experiences of my life. I won't babble on with the details but, it came down to taking cover under a bridge on the highway. It was absolutely terrifying. But, silver lining, we are okay and I am very excited about that. Surviving tornadoes is definitely something to be excited about. A little shook up, but excited.

Another thing I'm really excited about is Simple Stories and their new Life Documented Team that I have been asked to be a part of.

Simple Stories has been a favorite of mine from the beginning. I love not only the concept/philosophy of the papers but also the designs. I love that when I put a page together with Simple Stories it always seems to come together quickly without compromising my style and the detail I like to have on my pages. Their concept just fits so well with how I like to scrapbook. I really enjoyed working with Simple Stories products for our Sketch Fusion book and am so looking forward to that partnership continuing!

To say that I'm happy to be on the team is truly an understatement!

Keeping with the theme of this post, I'm also excited and looking forward to sharing with you what I'll be doing with Simple Stories as a member of the Life Documented Team. Hint, hint: it might involve sketches!

Have a great weekend!


  1. AWESOME!! this is something I am really interested in doing for my DD.
    There are times when a LO on making cookies (AGAIN) is just daunting and frankly boring ...I mean making is fun but another LO on the same subject which requires me taking a ton of photos.....BORING. (Unless a food fight broke out I don't want to do it over and over) However it's great to document all of these little moments. If I could do that I would free up time for LOs I actually would have fun making and fun moments would actually get SCRAPPED. My guilt could melt away.
    (See I have really been contemplating this move but it's been a daunting thought) but with your help (sketches) I'm thinking I could possibly DO THIS!
    I just bought a Simple stories pad of paper, I thought I could use the cool little bits and pieces on my LOs, had this LO sitting on my desk for a week and it just wasn't working. Well I had a header strip from SS out and for fun I tossed it on the page, arranged the pics how I had imagined and my homemade tags etc. and VOILA...(insert the sound of angels singing!) The layout FINALLY fell together! So Simple stories is definitely in my GREAT books right now! Can't wait to see what all you end up doing in conjunction with them Ali!

  2. CONGRATS ALLISON!! That's great and exciting news for sure! I know you will love working even more with SS and do wonderful things with them. Can't wait to see what you do!!

    So glad you are safe!!

  3. I am so excited for you!! I am excited that you were bestowed such an honor to be part of an elite and creative design team. I am looking forward to seeing your work (and sketches) as well as everyone else's and the new products with this line. Congratulations!!!

  4. Congrats girl!! Can't wait to see what you come up with on your new design gig!

  5. Congrats Allison. You will do wonders with their lines as you always do, and paired with your, there is a win-win for us. Warm smiles ~ Janet

  6. Congrats! I'm so excited at the thought of sketches using Simple Stories products! :)

  7. Congrats ! Love your pages, love SS.
    So happy you stay safe from tornado.
