Thursday, November 28, 2013


I have a lot of things to be thankful for:

-- I have a job that I love.
-- Pinterest. (Where else can I file workouts, cheesecake recipes, and tattoo ideas in the same place?)
-- I am healthy (As far as I know anyway!)
-- Our big backyard.
-- I have a family on both sides that I am proud to be a part of.
-- Bacon.
-- I have a sister who doubles as my best friend.
-- Grappling classes. (Yes I actually do this. What girl doesn't want to learn how to choke their husband? Just kidding. Kind of.)
-- My favorite coconut shampoo.
-- The awesome relationship I had with my dad.
-- The roof over our heads.
-- My camera.
-- Having a pretty cool Moss (mom/boss.) 
-- Racing.
-- Minnie, our sweet but really, really non-smart cat. (Calling her stupid just sounds mean.)
-- All of our other animals: Izzy, Chewy, Abbey, and Oscar. (I feel bad that I spotlighted Minnie.)
-- My Grandma's lemon cake.  
-- And her strawberry cake. 
-- Oh and that chocolate dessert thing

 But, ultimately, my whole universe and happiness revolves around these three:

My boys.

My 5-year-old Jackson.
My 8-year-old Drew.
My man-child Mike.

I couldn't imagine life without them and they are, without a doubt, what I am most thankful for.

I hope you have lots to be thankful for too! Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful sweet family !! Thank you Allison for all you do for us and inspire us. I have loved seeing your boys grow up, wasn't it just yesterday Jackson was tiny with lots of black hair and chubby cheeks. Look how big and handsome they are now. I also LOVE seeing all the boy pages and fun here since we have mostly girls in the family.

    Have a great day!
    love and hugs,

  2. A very sweet post - Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your family!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving from your pretty cool MOSS!

  4. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Man-child Mike...the perfect description! Love this post, love you, and love that we had such a wonderfully hilarious Thanksgiving!

  5. Julie in Sweden12:26 PM

    LOL! That is a great list. Happy Thanksgiving.
