Drew has got this "thing" for dinosaurs right now. There are, according to Drew, dinosaurs hiding in our closets, drains, mouths, even our belly buttons. So when I decided to redecorate his room I knew that he would love something that had to do with dinosaurs. I bought four 5 x 7 canvases and with a big dose of inspiration from BasicGrey's dinosaur line I started working on some fun decorations. I would have just used the actual chipboard dinosaurs from BasicGrey but they just weren't the right colors. Instead I recreated them by simply tracing around each one and cutting them out of cardstock. I must say these were a lot of fun to make and Drew absolutely loved them!
Here are some pictures of each one. I think the first one is my favorite!

The two that have the "J" and the "D" are kind of plain and I'll probably end up adding something to them, I just don't know what yet! I was in such a rush to get them up so I could surprise Drew.

I couldn't leave Jackson out so even though he's not sharing a room with Drew just yet he got his own canvas too. I hope some day he likes it as much as Drew does!

I can't believe that it's almost 1:00 a.m. and I'm still up! Yes it will be a rough day tomorrow but we are in the middle of tornado season and apparently we are going to have a yucky night! The other night I actually said to Mike, "I can't believe we've had such a mild season this year. The only time we heard sirens was in January!" I had spoke to soon. At about 12:00 a.m. we were awakened by those lovely sirens. I hate that sound!! I am not looking forward to tonight at all!!
Love how you are doing Drew's room..TFS, and isn't lovely weather we are having here in the midwest? Night before last we had 2 tornado warnings ...which thankfully amounted to nothing, but for the next week storms are coming again and again! Did I miss spring, it went from winter to summer...just like that!
I love your decorations! They are way too cute! Does Basic Grey have any girlie inspired lines? I always see the cute boy lines you show on here...surely they have some girlie ones too???????
Did I miss the sirens? We bought a weather radio a few months ago and while it is nice to have...it goes off so much that Trai just ends up hitting the stop button on it before I ever hear what the warning is. The other morning when I woke up, the weather radio was thrown in a chair in our room and the batteries to it were in the floor. I guess Trai really got tired of it that night! It sounded pretty wicked outside around 2:30 a.m., but I was too tired to get up and check.
So, what did you think of the top 20?
I would like to know what happened to spring too!! I can't believe how hot it has been here lately!
I was talking about Tuesday night (the sirens)...I think! I'm so mixed up on my days right now! Last night I stayed up soooo late just to watch the storm turn into nothing! I hate it when they hype it up to be a huge storm only to have it end up being nothing! Do they not realize how much they stress me out when they do that!! :)
I think it's going to be a good season...I was glad to see that Twitch made it through this year! He seems like he has a great personality!
OH MY GOODNESS! I looove those! I have been wanting to make more decorations for my boys and we've been trying to decide whether to go dino or robot. LOVE what you've done! :)
Allison, those are adorable!!!
I like the first one best too!! Great job girly! Will you be coming to CHA chicago?
Those are so cute, I have to laugh when you said that drew thought there were dinosaurs hiding everywhere, my daughter who is three thinks there are Pirates hiding everywhere, baby ones, mommy ones etc. Once again a very lovely creation.
OMG, These are so flippin' cute! They belong in A Land of Nod catalogue! Seriously should venture into designing embellishments because these are too cute to pass up!
I love the dino canvas! Let the initials the way they are! So perfect! I know you hate storm season, so I've been praying for you guys and the new baby!
Very creative, Allison! I like them just the way they are!
love them ali! they are so stikin' cute. great birthday present ideas too. love the stitching for the talking bubbles! :D
we skipped spring here too... although i'm looking out at the rain and cold and thinking we may have just skipped summer and gone right into fall & winter! blah!
What did you think of the first real night of SYTYCD? I loved two performances...the Mia Michaels, of course (sometimes I wish they would have an evening of just her choreography) and the No Air Hip Hop performance. I had to rewind those two and watch them again!
those are so awesome, allison!!!
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