It's funny how your kids can drive you crazy. Like when they are impossible and resort to screaming, crying, hitting each other, etc. So crazy to the point of wanting to scream yourself. It's also funny how they can be away for five minutes and you already miss them.
I'm so happy to have my boys home after spending the week at their Grandma's so they could go to Vacation Bible School at the same church that I went to Bible School at as a little girl. It was nice to have a little quiet around the house and I'll never complain about being able to sleep in but it's been refreshing to have the noise back in the house too. I missed so much about them.
I missed Jackson's cars lined up along the couch arm.
I missed hearing Mommy!
I missed Drew and I reading books at bedtime and talking about our favorite part of the day.
I missed dinner time when we all sit around at act silly.
I missed Drew getting up in the middle of the night and cuddling up with me.
I just missed them period.
Happy weekend!
awwwww this is so sweet my eyes are watering....I think all of us moms feel this way. The house gets so quiet when they are gone, wait till drew starts school, you will notice a big difference in the house. I miss mine when they are gone too. For every moody, tantrum, rivarlry there is always 5 sweet moments afterwards to remind us that we do love being a mom. Thanks so much for posting this allison, i like the little posts about your family in between the scrapping posts. I also did 2 layouts lastnight with one of your sketches, hoping for two more tonight. have a great weekend!! Sending your family big hugs this weekend as I know it will be filled with memories of your dad and the new memories you will make with your husband!!
I know what you mean about enjoying the quiet while missing the action all at the same time. I think it is good for everyone to have a little time away every once in awhile because it refreshes our awareness of just how lucky we are to have them in the first place.
It is VBS week here, too, and boy have we been busy. This year our VBS is at night...until 9pm! I'm teaching preschool, and by the time we get to 9 we are all just exhausted. THis schedule is a real challenge, but other than that it has been great.
Tomorrow is our trip to see Toy Story 3.
Just got back from an anniversary trip and the whole time we were away we kept noticing things our kids would have liked to see or do. We had a great time, but it was sure great to have them back in our arms when we got home!
Interesting how you can long for the quiet and yet feel so lonely when you finally get it. LOL
My 2 boys are pretty much grown up now, (one in college and one a junior in HS), but it's still nice when everyone is home. I feel like my family is whole again.
Have a great weekend!
So sweet!
I had to share I did used one of your sketches for the first time! Now I can't wait to get all the books! Thanks!
Dawn, thank you so much. That means a lot to me! :)
Amy in KC, I thought it was so strange that it was at night. I thought I remembered it being during the day when I was little. I hope you enjoyed Toy Story 3. I really want to take the boys to see it. They both love Toy Story, although who doesn't!
Amy, isn't it funny how we do things like that! Happy Anniversary! :)
Luv2talk, that's the perfect way to explain it!
Tasha, you did such a great job with the sketch! Thank you so much for sharing it with me! :)
Congrats on Volume 6. We who know you all and are loyal to you are more than willing to be patient on the DVD. We know that you are true to your word and if it isn't ready, it is out of your hands and that you are patiently frustrated!Can't wait until Scrapapalooza - my first time!
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