Thursday, April 19, 2007

I tried to post some goofy pictures of Drew from the other day but I'm having a little trouble with blogger.

I'm not to talkative today...or typeative today. Mike kept me up till 4:00 a.m. with his outragously loud snoring. I'll try to post soon though!


Anonymous said...


I was looking for some sketches online and ended up coming across your HOF phonecall from Lisa. It was great. I could tell you were totally caught off guard. Don't worry about others possibly not liking your scrapbook pages. Hello...didn't you hear Lisa say, "You're a great scrapbooker, Allison." That rocks!

Allison Davis said...

Kodi, thank you so much. I've tried to talk everyone out of listening to my call but it doesn't seem to be working! There's not a chance that I will listen to it. It's that whole can't stand to hear your own voice thing!