I've been slacking in the blog posting department. Cleaning house (esp. my scrapbook room) has been a large task plus I've been finishing up my SOY stuff and now it's time to work on class stuff. I got a chance to stop by the store yesterday and I couldn't believe all the new stuff. There is a ton of Fancy Pants (on of my personal favorites) and My Mind's Eye. I think I bought almost all of it. There's nothing like some new goodies to get you motivated.
This weekend we went to watch the UFC fight and I'm openly admitting that I actually had a good time. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind for our anniversary weekend but we still had a great time. Mike talked me into shooting skeet with the boys and I was surprised at how fun it was. I don't think the boys were to happy with the fact that I kicked some skeet ass!
Switching Drew to the toddler bed has it's ups and downs. He now loves going to bed since he has "a big boy bed" but he also enjoys getting out of it. He'll get up at 1:00 a.m. and come into our room and crawl into bed with us. We put him back in his own bed immediatly. As tempting as it is to let him sleep with us I just don't want to have a kid that can't sleep in his own bed. I had a friend that struggled with that for years. We used to love that Drew would sleep in till 8:30 - 9:00, but those days are over. He's an early riser now that he can get out on his own. I luck out and get to sleep in since this is the only time of day that Mike gets to see Drew.
I found out on Monday that our SOY phone interviews are on Wednesday. I'm a little nervous but at the same time it will be nice to have it all done and know that it is out of my hands. I really feel that I've done my best so far and I hope I don't mess up the interview. Either way, I'll just be glad that it's done. I'm getting very anxious to experience what all they have in store for us in Vegas and can't wait to hear who wins.
Well, I really need to get back to work. Enjoy the week!
Allison~I promise I wil reply to the tagged post soon. You get to go to Vegas either way, right? Do they announce it there? I'm out of the loop on all this and I never go to the CK site, so I'm curious!
I remember the toddler bed days! It's nice to see them excited about going to bed, but I hated the fact that the boys were "loose"! I knwo how you feel.
glad you are getting a lot done! i bet that makes you feel good. your toddler bed stories make me dread that stage! i don't even want to think about it. like holly, i promise to do the tag post soon...i hate that i have become such a blog slacker! i really, really hate it!
I wish you the best of luck, you are an incredible scrapper! I can relate to the toddler bed thing too, my 2.5yo tries to climb in bed with me around 3 am-ish. I battled with my first born over co sleeping, so it's a good idea to keep them trained to sleep alone! Good Luck!
Good idea with getting Drew back into his own bed. I had a problem with getting Joshua to sleep in his own bed (4 years).
Best of luck on the SOY interview. Pulling for you.
how did the interview go?
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