If you can't tell I don't scrapbook in any kind of order. I just work on what's jumping around in my head at that time. That explains why I am posting a Christmas and winter page in September.

So let's talk a little NKOTB!
Was there anyone out there who didn't like New Kids on the Block!?! Allie, I had the ginormous buttons too and just like you I had a Joe one and a group one. Both attached to a denim jacket in a sea of smaller NKOTB buttons (and a few generic buttons with sayings like, 'Bust a Move' and 'whatever' in ultra neon colors.) Would it be too dorky of me to admit that my bedroom was decorated in NKOTB and cough*Iwenttoaconcert*cough. Wow. I can't believe that I told you all that one.
When Mike and I were moving into our new house he happened to find something that I had hoped would never be seen with eyes other than my own. A letter that would forever lessen my coolness factor. (Who am I kidding? What coolness factor!?!) A letter stuffed deep into a box filled with things like my Cabbage Patch doll's birth certificate and notes that were passed back and forth in school. I was unpacking boxes in the kitchen when I heard the crinkling of paper, a snicker and then Mike saying, "Dear Joe, My name is Allison. I'm 16 and I love you. Will you go with me?" Well you could clearly see from my penmanship that I was 8, maybe 9. I could feel my face getting so red from embarrassment. By the time he was done reading my deep and heartfelt love letter we were both in tears from laughing so hard. The things you learn when you move in with someone.
Just for fun tell me who your favorite NKOTBer was and what was your favorite song. AND...
If you're looking for a trip down memory lane or need a little NKOTB pick me up to perk up the day... push play and enjoy.
A little after my time, but totally hysterical nonetheless! I was from the Shaun Cassidy and Leif Garrett phase! You may not have ever heard of them!! LOL!!!!
That letter...too funny!!!!!!!
THANK YOU! I love that song! LOL! Your layouts are great, too...even if it is September!
I was a Joey fan too. Well, I liked the whole group, but I was going to marry Joe.
I probably shouldn't go into all of the merchandise that I had. A few examples are a Joey doll and NKOTB sheets. For my birthday one year, my mom even got me a membership to their fan club. I also went to a concert. That was the only concert I had ever been to until about three years ago.
I'm not sure what my favorite song was. I can't really remember, just that I loved "everyone one of them".
If I told you my fave NKOTB then I'd be admitting that I was Jordan's #1 fan and that would be totally embarrassing and you said this was embarrassing to you not me! he!he!
Ok so I LOVED Joey and my bff LOVED Donnie and (are you sitting down) tried to mail him a birthday cake!!! My room was a shrine to NKOTB. I never got to see them in concert (sigh) and even though I thought I was going to die because of it I survived and now get to live through the whole Jonas Bros. phase with my 9 yo daughter.
Was I the only Jordan fan?!? I thought he was so dreamy! :) I never wrote any letters or mailed any birthday cakes, but I went to the concert too! We are all so lame!
This is hilarious...your comments are cracking me up! You guys should go to YouTube and do a search for NKOTB. It was so funny to watch all the videos and hear songs that I had totally forgotten about.
Hey girl! I was in love with Jordan, and I mean, IN LOVE!!! (whatever that is when you are that age) My walls were actually turned into a collage of little pics, no wall showing. My mom hated it. I would cut stuff out of all those Teen magazines, Seventeen, etc., and eventually, my entire wall was covered, no wall in sight. My other walls were covered in those cool posters:)
OMG, you guys are killing me! I was definitely a Joey girl. I remember my aunt getting me a Jordan poster for Easter one year and I was like, 'What is this?!?!' But my mom had also gotten me the Joey one, so it was OK. Haha! I totally loved the Christmas 'tape.' Especially the song 'Funky Funky Christmas.' In fact, I bought the CD in college and still listen to it every year for old times sake. In every photo of me from like 1989-1991, I'm wearing some kind of NKOTB merchandise. Embarrassment! Totally jealous of your concert going experiences. My friend is going to the one in St. Louis in November! And while I'm writing a book, great LO's! I love those candy cane pics. :)
PLEASE DON'T GO GIRL!!!! Oh that was THE best NKOTB song! LOL
I was totally in love with Joey!! Oh he was the cutest! I used to kiss his poster every night before I went to bed!
I went to a NKOTB concert with my best freind when I was visiting her in Atlanta. OMG we totally wore Hammer Pants!!! HAHAHA!!! And tie dye ones at that! Wow wish I could dig up THOSE pics!
Don't worry, Allison, we ALL have notes like that! They just might not be found....hahahaha!!!!
Probably Joey. Also, my dear friend Stacey and I and a couple of other crazies from Springfield are going to see them in concert in November. Eeek! I'm sure it will be just as much fun as the first time I saw them!
I was so a Donnie fan - so crazy to watch that video - definatley a trip down memory lane - i had that posters and all.
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