If you haven't noticed I've been on a quote board kick. I just bought a huge canvas, and by huge I mean almost bigger than me. The plan for the canvas? I'm not sure just yet but I do know it's going to involve paint, stitching (probably another quote) and lots of pictures. I've got a few ideas running around in my head so I can't wait to get started on it.

A few years ago my Grandpa Arnall asked me if I wanted my Grandma Arnall's sewing machine. I actually snickered when he asked me. "Um, no. I don't sew." I said. Well lately, all of this stitching on my pages has sparked an interest in other crafty adventures. So last weekend I asked my Grandpa if the offer still stood on the sewing machine. This time he was the one that laughed since it was just a few years ago that I said, "I don't sew."
The last time I actually used a sewing machine was in junior high and I almost got my first "F" because of my skills, or lack of. Somehow I managed to sew the collar of my shirt to the elbow. Don't ask. I have no idea how I did it or how in the world I didn't notice it until we had to try on our creations and "model" them for the class. I walked out with my arm wrapped around my neck. Thank goodness the teacher gave me the opportunity to fix it, which I only did for the grade. The bright blue "Class of 98" sweatshirt never made it into my junior high attire. You know, it just didn't fit in with my New Kids on the Block buttons and big hair...
Okay, enough on that. Back to my Grandpa.
He said that I could have the sewing machine IF I promised to patch all of his clothes that were in need of repair. Obviously he's never heard the story of my attempt at sewing. (I think he's one of those men who thinks that all women are born with the complete knowledge and skills to cook, sew and all those womanly type of things.) I then saw the serious look on his face slowly wrinkle up in a grin. That's Grandpa for you. Thank goodness he was kidding about the repairing and I walked out the door with a new toy.
The next day I went out and bought some fabric and other sewing necessities. When I got home I sat down in front of the machine wondering if I would ever be able to remember how to thread the damn thing. Why, oh why do they have to make that part so difficult? Let's just say it took me awhile to figure it out. When I finally did conquer the threading maze I started working on a quilt. I'm sure it will be interesting and have a lot of "personality". Personality meaning lots of mistakes. I'm fine with that...as long as I don't sew it to my sleeve or something!
I'm going to post my CKC Kansas City schedule on here since I've had a few people ask. I would have done it sooner but I just got my schedule today. If you're going make sure you come see me and say hi!
Milestones and Moments 6:00 p.m. - 7:30
Fun and Fast Tips for Fabulous Journaling 11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
A Peek Into My Week 1:50 p.m. - 2:50
Flocked and Fabulous 4:30 p.m. - 5:30
Flocked and Fabulous 8:30 a.m. - 9:30
A Peek Into My Week 9:50 a.m. - 10:50
Fun and Fast Tips for Fabulous Journaling 12:30 p.m. - 1:30
What Matters Most 3:10 p.m. - 4:10
OOH! I'm first, I'm first... hee hee.
cute cute card! And I LOVE that quote thingy! Good Luck with the sewing machine, I'm sure you'll make something fab!
OK, first off did you hear the NKOTB are back together??? probably for a VERY short time, but still back together!!! They were at a local Best Buy for a signing and I told my DH if I would have known about it sooner I would have been there, just to say that I had seen them, although they are older, and soooo not as cute as they were before, I can't help but try and fill a sixth grade fantasy!!!
Seriously your CKU schedule is MAD!!! I was considering 1 class for seattle and chickened out because of kitting! well you give a new meaning to teaching girl!
Thanks for the book recommend to, I will have to get it now!
oh, and of course, love what your doing!!!
NKOTB buttons... I love it. I had two that were as big as my head. One of Joey and one of the whole gang. Sigh... Love the projects! Giant canvas sounds intriguing.
I {heart} New Kids!!! I really love your story, though! Thanks for sharing it! Both your card and that layout are amazing, too! You hit it all right on today! Thanks!
Love that card! I'm so going to "steal" that idea!
I'm in your Peek into My Week class! Yea! I'm so excited to meet you. :)
Wow! NKOTB...who would have thought! I think I owned all the buttons...and still have them...hehehe!!! I'll have to go and see if I can find them..Maybe I'll do a page! Anyway, KC sounds completely insane for you but way fun! Hopefully I can make that one! Good luck and have fun with your sewing machine!!
Oh...forgot one thing...where did you get the scroll frame thingy! Loved it!!!
Love that card and the page! Have fun at CKC...I loved NKOTB too:)
Liz, you should have seen my Tulsa schedule! It was insane. It makes the KC schedule seem very tame!
Christie, I can't wait to meet you!! :)
Allison, I'm taking your Sat. class "A peek into my week", along with a few of my ON-LINE friends. I'm from Springfield also, and do most of my shopping at SG. My husband went with me last Saturday and he liked your "man" cornor.LOL But he asked me when we left how on earth I can ever pull myself out of there, he said it must be like a little slice of heaven for you. And I replied "you have know idea"!
Anyway... I look forward to your class and meeting you! See you next month.
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