Every year when birthday season in the Davis household rolls around I get so excited. I love finding ways to add a handmade touch to some of the decorations.
For Jackson's second birthday party I knew that whatever it was I was going to make would be Disney Cars related. This boy is all about Lightning McQueen and racing. You don't know what panic is until it's Jackson's bedtime and you can't find his Lightning McQueen car that he insists on holding while he sleeps. I had this banner mini-album from Maya Road that I had been wanting to use for something and decided it would be perfect for making a Cars themed banner for the birthday boy.
Each triangle has a different character from the movie with a favorite quote from that character.
The banner was pretty simple to make. I just covered each piece with patterned paper. The ones with the scalloped edge I painted the edge with a metallic silver and then added patterned paper in a triangle over the middle. Then I made a thought/talk bubble and added stitching around it. After I added those to each triangle I added the character stickers. For their quotes I would pick a different font that I thought fit that character and then printed them, cut them into strips, and then added them to the banner. It was fun trying to find fonts that fit the character's personality.
This little guy loved it!
Since his bedroom it taking the turn of a Cars theme, this banner will now go over the window in his own room.
Next up is a Scooby Doo party. My brain is on overload trying to think of something to make with Scooby Doo! :)
How cute! I love how you are going to use it in his room after the party. I haven't done party decorations yet. I do make homemade icing and the cakes. I may tackle the decorations one day...
Amy S from Texas
I love the Cars Birthday Banner. You aways have the best ideas. My son wants a McQueen birthday party this year too. I'm trying to come up with something for his invitations. He'll be 5 in November, so I have a while to think about it. Great idea to reuse the banner as a decoration in his room.
What a cute banner. I also did a CARS theme for my 2 y/o son this year, but he had the cheap plastic banner-hee. Wish I'd have had this idea.
I do a lot of stitching on my pages, but my machine stitching never looks as thick as yours. That would be a whole lot of hand stitching. Did you hand stitch it?
Love the banner!
So...are you going to play "pin the tail on Scooby" for your next party?
Wow...as much as I love Cars, I think Scooby decor will be more fun! And there goes my brain...scattered in a million different places thinking of Scooby stuff. I better go get a Scooby Snack. :o) (Oh, you could make that puppy chow snack with chex mix and label it Scooby Snacks!).
I was just getting on blogger to suggest the same thing as Amy - puppy chow snack mix labeled as Scooby Snacks for a party favor in little gift bags. Great Amys think alike!!! ;)
Super cute. I'm glad to hear you will get more life out of this than just a birthday decoration. It's too cute to pack away.
P.s. I think I heard that today is Tony Stewart's birthday. :)
How cute and I love that you are going to use it in his room after the party. Thinking that I will have to do something like this for DS - birthday is soon. Now I just have to come up with a theme - he is a lego nut so I guess it might have to be something along those lines.
My sister had a Scooby party for her daughter and she used cheap plastic dog bowls to serve the snacks in. And, she made cookies for snacks in the shape of dog bones. She also gave the little ones Scooby fruit snacks. It was a cute party. I cant wait to see your banner.
Too cute! My son is CRAZY about McQueen as well. When a waitress asked his name once, he responded, "Lighting McQueen- I'm a racecar!" I'm pretty sure Cars will be the theme for his birthday party, too, and I may just have to steal the banner idea. Too cute!
Great banner! You could do the Mystery Machine as the banner for the next party :)
This is such a cool idea, you always have cool ideas for your kids birthdays. I love that it's going into his room now he must love that. I love the cars movie myself and liked collecting the cars more then my son did. He loves scooby-doo now though. I like all the ideas so far in the comments from everyone. Use dog realted things and the mystery machine is a good idea. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Jackson is cute as ever
How cute :) ... my daughter picked lightin' last year for her 3rd b-day.
Too cute! I have two girls who also like Cars but my hubby would especially love this since he loves all things Pixar! If you were thinking along the lines of another banner, you could use the Mystery Machine shape and colors as your base rather than the pennant shape.
i so cannot wait for the scooby doo party! my daughter has been asking for her "scooby doo dirfday party" since my nephews birthday in january . . . and she has to wait until july :) awesome job on the banner and LOVED sketch week this month - thanks for your inspiration!!
Oh my goodness! You guys are giving me some great ideas. I already told one that popped in my head to my husband and he laughed at me! (He thinks I go a little to far on the birthday planning.)
Luv2talk, I got to meet Tony Stewart once and I about pulled my sister's arm off in excitement. He's a lot shorter in person than you would think! He's teeny!
Julie, I did hand stitch it. If it helps any, I always use three strands instead of six. I used to use all six but I recently discovered that you really can't tell a difference on the page with only three and it's so much easier to pull it through and thread the needle. Plus you use a lot let floss that way!
I love your party ideas! Wish I had your creativity! That banner is awesome---my son would've loved something like that about a year or 2 ago!
Hi Allison,
I thought of some questions for you if you don't mind answering them. Mostly they are basic questions like what's your favorite color, tv show, flower, book, food, sport, season. Now some scrapbook ones... where do you get your inspirations from, do you read other blogs, if so which ones, do you read magazines, window shop, commercials for ideas? do you go with friends to crop together, what's your favorite supply, have you made a layout from all your sketchbooks at least once?
And what do you do for downtime and for me time. Well, that's what I have for now answer all or some just to know a little more about you. Thank you
Hi again Allison,
I just cleaned out my closet that was full of scrapbook magazines. I found some of your old layouts in the CK Magazines. One page that I had marked and totally loved was in the Nov. 2007 CK page 108. I love love how you did this page. I didn't know then that this was you of course, so really I've been following your pages for a few years, so nice to put a face with my favorite pages. I have more but this one really stood out because I love FALL TIME...ok just wanted to let you know you've been inspiring me for years so thank you and don't stop PLEASE...haha
Dawn, I'll add an "About Me" post to my blog schedule. It will be fun for me to do and then use on a scrapbook page later on! :)
I think I know exactly what layout you are talking about. That was actually one of my first published layouts.
Thanks Allison that would be great to see your answers then a bonus to see a "girlie" page. I still can't believe that was you on that "fall page" I even showed my husband back then and how much I wanted to do that. You have come a long ways lady, should be very proud of yourself. Have a good night.
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